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His melodic laugh rang out through the night, covering the annoying groans and gasps of the three men crumpled at my feet. A shiver ran down my spine, the sound making my skin sprout goosebumps. How any man could have such a beautiful laugh I would never understand, but he did, and I was practically living for it at this point.

I collected my pepper spray can and my phone, which was surprisingly not cracked, shoving them both into my bag, stepping on the downed men as I made my way over to him. The one I had been kicking tried to speak and lifted his hand as though trying to stop me, so I tried to discreetly kick him in the stomach once more.

It wasn't that discreet, though, and his laughter died down and he raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged and walked closer, straightening out my clothes and trying to tidy my hair. Okay, so this wasn't exactly the first impression I wanted to make, but hey - at least he knew I wasn't some weak girl he could take advantage of. I prayed he wasn't the sort of bloke to take advantage of others anyway, but the bar he hung out at didn't exactly praise his character.

The only issue with taking these guys down was that the ghouls decided they weren't interested in them anymore and floated back towards me. Not only were they back, but now they were heavier and larger than before, due to taking in their negative energy. I let out a deep sigh as one settled right on my shoulder, the weight making me feel like I was walking lopsidedly, and others tried to hitch a ride wherever they could.

The long-haired man was standing there, taking a drag from his lit cigarette, looking me up and down as I closed the distance between us with what I hoped were confident strides. 

Dad, was this your plan? I asked, watching as he blew the smoke out sensually. I doubt it was, you probably wouldn't like him, but I'll say thanks anyway for teaching me how to look after myself. 

His stare made my insides twist and turn, his eyes a dark brown, almost black. He dragged his eyes up from my legs to meet mine, a small smirk playing on the edges of his mouth. I tried to breathe normally as I stopped in front of the literal god-like being in front of me.

I felt like I should be looking small, worthless, and pitiful next to him, but instead, I felt tall, beautiful, and powerful. I knew I looked good, but could anyone really look good next to him? Why did I feel like I looked good? 

His hair looked softer up-close, his skin was pale, barely sun-kissed, and had no blemishes or freckles. It was late, and his slight stubble darkened his features, highlighting a sharp jaw which could slice a finger. His eyes, dangerously dark, bored into mine intensely before he raised an eyebrow and smiled, flashing a set of pearly whites. His eyes seemed to lighten in colour and he pointed his hand toward the three men still groaning on the ground, cigarette dangling loosely from his long fingers.

"Looks like you didn't hit them enough," he said, returning the cigarette to his mouth. "They can still move." 

He took a drag of the cigarette and blew it out, the smoke drifting up into the night air. I looked at the men behind me as they moaned in pain, moving slightly as though they were trying to get up. I shrugged, turning back to face him and smiled.

"Well, I didn't exactly want to kill them," I said smoothly, hoisting my bag on my shoulder slightly as I struggled to find something to do with my hands.

"Why not?" He asked curiously, tipping his head to the side, his eyes inspecting mine. His question made me pause as I tried to wrap my head around it. It should have been an innocent, joking, question, but the look in his eye made me think he was serious.

"I'd need a pretty good reason to want to kill them," I admitted finally after a moment of hesitant silence.

"Them wanting to rape you wasn't enough of a reason?" He asked nonchalantly, dropping his cigarette and stamping it out.

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