Chapter 33

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Dorothy woke up the next morning with Soundwave laying on top of her, which meant the mech had shifted during the night from being beside her. It also took Dorothy a moment to realize she wasn't breathing.

Her eyes went wide and started hitting Soundwave in the arm, trying to get the guy to move off of her, but the mech was locked in recharge like a rock. She slapped his shoulder again and growled, starting to run out of air from the way his back was crushing her chest. "Soundwave!...Get...your big of me!" she yelled, trying to wake him up even more than the hitting was working.

The man with the silver hair stirred a bit, squinting at first from the amount of light coming in from the outside from the back wall made of windows in the living room. He stretched a bit, crushing the human under him even more and made her squeak as he hear something crack, hopeful it was just a joint in her back. "What..." he asked to no one, still trying to figure out what was under him.

Dorothy finally had enough and pushed the heavy male off of her body and off the side of the pull out couch bed. She sat up immediately and took in a deep breath of air, coughing a bit as the air rushed to her lungs a little too fast. She panted, taking in as much air as she could before calming down and feeling her ribs to make sure none of them were cracked. Luckily, it had just been her back joints cracking from the awkward position she was sleeping in last night and she sighed in relief, laying back down on the bed.

There was a small groan from over the top of the bed, making the woman sit up again. She scooted over and winced, seeing that she had pushed Soundwave off onto a pile of books that she had forgotten to move. "Ooh...sorry about that." she said awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head as she tried to look apologetic. "You okay, Soundwave?"

The mech pushed himself off of the ground and looked at her, glaring a bit before relaxing while he sat on the ground. He touched his lip and saw that he had spilt it when it hit the floor. "Other than me leaking energon, yes, I am fine."

Dorothy's eyes went wide again as she slid off the bed and looked as his lip, tilting it up a bit as she knelt down to match the mech's height. She rubbed it, getting a pained reaction from Soundwave and nodded to herself. She reached up blindly to the coffee table, it moved in front of one of the chairs next to the couch, and grabbed a tissue. The woman ripped off a piece and put it over the cut, letting the energon stick to it and help it cast over the wound. She leaned back and smiled at Soundwave, not remembering a lot from the previous night yet.

"So...I hope you enjoyed staying over last night." she stated awkwardly, rubbing her arms a bit. "I know the kids certainly enjoyed it, except for the part where Ratbat hit his head on the counter. He should be better now."

"Yes, right." Soundwave answered back, his mind wandering back to the small kiss the woman gave him on his cheek last night. He was smiling giddily and he seemed much more relaxed than usual. "I enjoyed last night quite a lot. I was...surprised by of affection."

"What?" she asked, not remembering anything but sadness and tears. "What do you mean, Soundwave? What did we do...oh, please tell me I didn't do something stupid." Her entire face blushed a bit when her mind wandered a bit too far.

"No, no! You didn't advance on me, if that is want you are thinking!" he reassured. "After you told us about Ryder, we all feel asleep together on the bed and you...kissed me..."

"I...I k-kissed you?!" she yelled, seeming panicked as she automatically covered her face with her hands and hid herself within her knees. She curled up next to the pull out bed and started to shaking, the thought of kissing someone bringing up some bad memories and the ones from last night. "I-I'm so sorry! My head wasn't in the right place last night after my breakdown!"

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