Chapter 13

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Hiya! Sorry this took so long, but I've been really busy and tired. But it's heard so I hope you enjoy!


Starscream smiled to himself when the human replied to his call.

The silver jet sat quietly in one of the warehouse, waiting for her and Barricade to arrive, knowing that the two of them would show up. The female human seemed to be very serious about her job as an officer, which meant she would be bring her police car along, which happened to be the ex-Decepticon. Starscream would occasional peer out from behind closed door to watch for their arrival, making sure that the two of them were actually on time. He hated when people were late.

The Seeker sat in the warehouse for a good ten minutes until he heard sirens. He peeked out again to see Barricade barrelling down the road and skidding to a stop at the entrance of the lot. He smiled wickedly and moved backaways to transform back into his alt mode and wait. He was going to be able to kill two bird with one stone, as humans would say.

::Hey Screamer!!::

Starscream jumped as Skywarp's voice broke through the comm link. He growled and turned away from the door. "What could be so important right now?!" he asked in a harsh whisper.

::What exactly are we going to do with Barricade and the human after we capture them?:: Skywarp questioned in a excited tone. Starscream only paid attention when his trinemate said "we".

"What do you mean 'we', Skywarp.?" Starscream questioned the Seeker on the other end. "I'm the one out here doing all the work!"

::You could have asked us to help you, Starscream.:: Thundercracker's voice broke through on the comms.

"You are not apart of this conversation, TC!" Starscream backlashed, hissing at his other trinemate.

::You still didn't answer my question.:: Skywarp budded in. Starscream groaned in frustation as his two trinemates hogged over the comm.

"The human will probably be killed, and I have something special planned for Barricade." Starscream informed his partners, grinning in thought of future events.

::But I want to keep the human!:: Skywarp whined, making Starscream cringed at the tone. And everyone thought his voice was awful. ::She seems so pretty and fragile. I want to keep her! Please please please please plea-::

"Alright! Alright!" Starscream finally broke and obliged to his trinemate's excessive pleading. "You can have the human female. But the both of you need to leave me alone so I can actually catch them! Now, go! Shoo!"

Both of the Seekers signed off and Starscream sighed with relief. He cared about them, he truly did, but they could be so annoying sometimes that it made him walk to murder them both. He sighed and turned back around to see the human approaching and smirked. He transformed into his alt mode and sat there as the human walked up. She seemed completely clueless to what was happening that it was too perfect. Hopefully, Barricade and the human will not be a problem anymore by the end of the night.


Dorothy walked into the last warehouse she didn't check and revealed a silver jet, just sitting there. She stared at it for a second before walking in more. She shined her flashlight as it as she looked around for any sign of the speeder that was calling in, or the person who called in the speeder in general. She and Barricade got here thirty minutes ago and haven't seen a signal person in the lot. She was starting to get a little too uncomfortable with the fact that no one else was here.

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