You were trained for this, Kitten

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        As soon as mother hear the kettle hiss, she jumped up from the square table, I watched from across. I was scribbling on some paper I found in the cellar. Mother poured two tankards of unsweetened tea, before taking two spoon fulls of sugar in each - mother always had a sweet tooth, maybe that's where I get it from.
         She sat back down, and set my tea infront of me. She glanced at it before scribbling with some worn down charcoal. "Ember" she began. I kept scribbling, she knew I was listening. "What you did was understandable, but I can't say it was necessary." A sad tone made me feel the need to confort her. But instead I put down my charcoal and brush my hands from the dust and pull my glossy moon colored hair from my vibrant blue eyes.
          I pick up the charcoal again and paused, looking up to her, tears start welling in my eyes. "Mother...guilt is crushing down on my chest, I can't imagine what that boy feels like right sorry" I wipe my pearly eyes with my long sleeves and look down at my tail, which was flicking softly at the stone floor.
          Mother rises from her chair, taking my hands in hers "I've taught you well darling, don't be afraid to defend yourself, even if it means having to kill. You were trained for this, kitten"

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