Pro...or Con?

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Ember entered the cistern, trotting up to her mother, who was talking to brynjolf, who neither looked happy. "Mommy?" Ember tugged at her mother's leather guild armor. Dasha paused and looked down "what is it Tiger?" Dasha looked down, holding out her arms to pick her up. "Vekel said you wanted me"
         Ember reached for her mother,  who perched Ember on her hip like an ornament. "Oh, yes" she smiled, rubbing her cheek against her daughter's lovingly "brynjolf, we can finish this later." She said sternly. "Yes ma'am" he said, and began walking to his bed.
       Ember glared at her mother,  adoring such a leader, strong, independent, brave. "Am I in trouble?" She asked, curiously. "No?should you be" Dasha looked her in the eyes smirking playfully. "No" Ember giggled. "Ok well, I have a big surprise for you" Dasha smiled. Embers face lit up with excitement "what is it! What is it!" She held her mother's face with her small, furry hands. "What do you think about moving to solitude?"

Ember's RebellionWhere stories live. Discover now