Chapter Twenty Two

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My time came for my final performance against the other finalist. He was, in my opinion, an incredibly gifted singer. By far better than I was… so much better. His song of choice was Don’t Stop Believing by Journey. A bit overused in my opinion. Mine? Well, mine was a song that inspired me since I was a teenager. It was a song that had pulled me through hard times and gave me the strength to believe that someday I would be here, right where I am today. It gave me hope that I would be somebody. I’d get out of my washed up little town back home in Massachusetts and make a difference, be somebody with a face and a name. Even if everybody put my dreams down, I still held hope. I took the stage, braving myself for anything, everything. I questioned if Lady Luck would be on my side tonight, or if she wouldn’t make an appearance. Would I fail? Could I ever live up to One Direction? To my fiancé? My brother? Be as talented, or even more so? I poured my whole heart and soul into this competition, this journey was so rewarding and amazing. I’d met so many talented people, made it so far. I couldn’t let my dream go to waste. I had to win. Not for Harry, or for mum, not for Lou or Nialler or Zayn or Liam, but for me. I had to prove to myself that dreams can become so much more, that no life is a waste, and no matter the struggle that somebody could reach the top. It was my time to sing my heart out.

Stepping on to the stage wasn’t frightening anymore, it was natural. The crowd went absolutely mad, and at the panel each and every judges’ face lit up with excitement. They had watched me grow, watched me get to where I was right now. I flashed a smile to the audience, gave a tiny wave, and gave away my song of choice. When the music began playing, I sang like never before. I knew that I was doing well, the crowd was roaring, applause broke out, I hit every note precisely. I kept along with the melody, and I gave it emotion. It was another one of those songs that told my life story, the whole room felt for me. I could feel it. Mid-performance people became rowdier, more excited. I prayed to a God that I didn’t believe in that I wouldn’t mess up, that this wouldn’t be it for me. I smiled down at the panel where Haz was sitting, his eyes were twinkling. I saw the love in them for me, paired with his massive, adorable smile spread across his entire face. He believed in me, I believed in me. The big finish same, the audience went nuts, they exploded with screams. I was exhausted and my lungs were on fire, but I screamed out a “Thank you so much!” and stood there, waiting, waiting, waiting for something. Anything. The judges stood up to tell me what an amazing performance that I put on, Harry didn’t have to say anything. I knew from his face exactly what his thoughts were. He was glowing with pride, the same way that he would after he’s completed a concert or an event. He was so proud. Proud of me. They told the audience and viewers to vote for me, vote, vote, vote! I walked off stage and was practically jumped by the boys. They all told me how incredible I was, how I had this for sure, boosting my confidence. I ended up wrapped into a boy band hug by my boys, my family. Harry ran over, jumping into it and making his way right up against me. “You were amazing beautiful, I love you!” he whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist. All of the other boys released and dispersed, and a couple of interviewers and fans ran over to talk to me. I felt so… important. Harry held me from behind with his head resting on my shoulder while I signed autographs and answered questions regarding my thoughts on my final performance, my opponent, and my thoughts on winning or losing. I gave the complete truth - I thought we were both exceptional. If I won, then I would be eternally grateful. I’m already so blessed, that it would be icing on top of the cake, and it would mean that I’d made all of my dreams come true. It would be the best early Christmas present in the entire world. If I lost, then it was what it was. I’m not going to be a sore loser, my opponent deserved it just as much if not more than me. Once everybody was cleared out, Harry picked me up and carried me out to his car to drive me home. The boys weren’t staying with us tonight so I could get plenty of rest for tomorrow, so we had the place to ourselves. I was so nervous about the final results.

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