∞ Chapter 5 ∞

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The boy thinks fast and ties a rope around himself and quickly hands the other side of it to Valentina and jumps into the water without a word hoping Valentina knows the drill and what to do.

He opens his eyes in the water to search for Lasenda and sees her still falling slowly because the water felt like Jell-O. It felt like they were falling in Jell-O. The more you move the faster you sink.

He grabs her arm just as she was moving them up and down to try to swim back up but she couldn't swim in what felt like Jell-O so it was no use.

He tugged on the rope twice with his other hand and held on tight to her.

She kept hitting him and moving so much and he shaked her to calm her down she probably thought he wasn't there to save her.

Valentina began pulling the rope and they were pulled higher and higher into the light of the outside. Just as they were about to make it back up he felt Lasenda give up. He was afraid she was gone now.

With all his strength he pushed her out before him.

He pushed her onto the bench on her side and he grabbed the bench and climbed himself up.

She could breathe and he saved her life.

He sat next to her dripping with water.

She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was him.

She smiled and sighed with relief. "Ohh my gosh" she chuckled.

"Hey" he said. "Did you think I was attacking you or something why were you hitting me?" He laughed.

"Yeah," She laughed too. "I didn't think you were smart enough to save me so I went for another conclusion to when you grabbed my arm. Plus, I didn't know it was you."

"Smart enough ?" He was offended. "Why didn't you think I was smart enough ?" He asks.

"Well, because you hit me the first time and I almost fell in and almost hit me the second time and I fell in." She said. "You caused both those accidents.

"Oh" He says. "Right. I'm sorry. But I am actually really smart and I know how to think fast and work fast."

She smiled. "I can tell." She says.

They look into each others dark brown eyes for a second without a word.

"HELLOOO ?!!!" Valentina yells right in front of them which snaps them both back into reality. They turn to her. "I'm the one who pulled you guys up !"

"Valentina" Lasenda says. "Thank you so much.. but wait," She narrows her eyebrows. "How long have you been there ?"

"The whole time." She says with a straight face. "You guys were just too busy thanking each other not even realizing I'm RIGHT here and I saved you both !"

Lasenda gives her a weak smile. "Sorry" She says. "Thanks so much for saving me."

"Yeah and thanks too for knowing the whole plan with the rope. And I didn't even need to tell you anything." the boy says.

"Yeah well I've had drills like that before." Valentina explains.

"Oh nice." He says looking to Lasenda. "What's your name ?" he asks her.

She looks at him. "Lasenda." She answers. "You ?"

He smiles at the sound of her name. "D.G" He says.

She smiles too. "What does it stand for ?"

"I can't remember." He answers. "I just remember being called D.G"


Valentina steps in out of nowhere again. "Kayyy then." She says. "Come on Lasenda let's get you dried up." She gestures her hand outward for Lasenda to follow her.

"Oh um," Lasenda says. "That's okay. I'm fine, I'll dry up with this heat outside. It's okay."

Valentina stares at her. "Alright. Suit yourself." She says. "I'll leave you guys. See ya guys later I guess then." She says as she walks away waving her hand goodbye.

"Bye." They say.

D.G looks at Lasenda for a second and puts a smirk on his face. "Wanna go to the park ?" He asks.

Lasenda raises her eyebrow. "Park?"

"Yeah. I'll lead the way. Follow me", He says standing up.

She looks at him. "Okay." She says and they walk together still moist and leaving the wheelbarrow on the ground. "But aren't you gonna get that ?" Lasenda asks about the wheelbarrow.

"Nah," He says waving it off. "I'll get it later." he laughs. "Come on."

Lasenda laughs. "Idiot."

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