Chapter 6

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I feel a bit awkward as I'm dress shopping with Rhonda's friends. I can't help being intimidated by Stephanie, she is gorgeous but more than that she's effortlessly cool. No wonder Johnny can't get enough of her.

"Oh we're meeting up with the guys later," Steph says as she twirls around in this bright red dress, and Sharon rolls her eyes.

"Do we have to?" she grumbles as she steps into a dark blue dress that's fitted at the waist and then flares out. "Louis Dimucci is getting on my every nerve!" Paulette grins at her.

"It must be love," she says fluffing her hair, and Sharon scowls. Rhonda turns around.

"Sharon you should ditch your date and go to the dance with Louis." Sharon fake laughs.

"Louis had his chance. He didn't ask me and I'm not gonna ditch my date at the last minute on the off chance he might." She sounds really annoyed, and I wonder what the story is.

"So what happened with you guys?" I ask clearing my throat, and Rhonda chuckles. Sharon lets out a deep sigh.

"Well we went on a date, oh ages ago. And we got along really well, so I thought. And then Louis didn't ask me out for another two weeks!"

"Ah, right." I can see that would piss her off.

"Yeah so Sharon turned him down," Rhonda adds sounding huffy.

"Well I wasn't going to let him play games with me," Sharon says, and Steph nods backing her up.

"Exactly, you can't let the guy think you're just waiting around for him. Dimucci's a jerk, and you need to stop trying to push him and Sharon together." She turns a hard stare onto Rhonda.

"Jeez sorry," Rhonda says sounding anything but. "I just think they'd make a cute couple." I can sort of see where Rhonda's coming from, they do seem to like each other.

"Look Rhonda, he probably only wants one thing anyway," Sharon says.

"Oh you're so uptight Sharon," Paulette says joining in the conversation. "I swear you'll die a virgin at this rate."

"Well you certainly won't," Sharon snaps back, and I'm beginning to regret bringing the subject up.


After we've finished dress shopping we meet up with Johnny and his friends at the Ice Palace. I'm getting sick of the place already. As soon as Steph sees Johnny she goes running over, and he pulls her onto his knee.

"They're really loved up," Rhonda says, and I flush thinking her words are meant for me. However she's looking at Paulette who had a small pout on her face.

"I think I can see that Rhonda, but a girl can look right?" She laughs but Rhonda exchanges a nervous look with Sharon.

"What's the point Paulette?" Sharon asks keeping her voice down. "They're the perfect couple." I look over at them, and I have to agree. Johnny's dark good looks compliment Steph's blonde hair and blue eyes, they look like they've stepped out of a fashion catalogue. But more than that it's the body language, all the little touches and kisses.

"Lets go order," Paulette says with a sigh. I follow her to the counter but Sharon and Rhonda join the others at the table.

"This dance is gonna be such a let down," Paulette says to me, flicking her eyes towards Johnny. "I can't believe I'm gonna go by myself." Her mouth turns down.

"Well I'm in the same boat," I say. "At least if we all go together-"

"It's different for you, you're new here. You can legit say all the best guys have been taken. What's my excuse?" I can see this is really bothering her, and I stop myself from reminding her she did turn a few guys down apparently.

"You wouldn't go with Davey or Louis?" I suggest, and she laughs.

"Well we kinda are anyway but I hope I'll get at least one dance with Johnny. Steph should learn to share!" I laugh, taking it as a joke but Paulette obviously is smitten with Johnny. We both order chocolate milkshakes, and then join the others. Rhonda's now snuggled up to Goose and it feels a bit awkward so I sit next to Sharon, giving the couples a wide berth.

"You not eating?" Rhonda asks as she grabs Goose's burger and takes a bite.

"Hey get your own food," he says slapping her hand.

"Sharing's caring," she retorts and they bicker good naturedly while Goose tries to keep her fingers out of his fries.

"I'm not that hungry," I tell her. "And I don't want to risk not fitting into my dress." Rhonda pauses, mid mouthful of food.

"That's a point," she says. "Damn."

"You are getting kinda porky Rhon," Steph says teasing her, and Rhonda looks dismayed.

"Yeah," Goose jests pinching her waist, and everyone laughs. Johnny catches my eye and I quickly look away.

"Well you don't need to worry about your weight Sylvie," he says. "You look great." I see a frown mar Steph's face. It's gone as fast as it appeared, and I'm not sure what to make of Johnny's comment. I suppose he was being nice, or maybe trying to stop the guys teasing Rhonda.

"Oh I put on weight really easily," I say quickly cos I don't know how to take his compliment. "I look at a biscuit and I balloon."

"A biscuit?" Louis asks.

"It's English for cookie," I tell him, and Sharon rolls her eyes.

"Don't mind him, he's not very well informed." Louis looks at her as he chews his gum but he doesn't retaliate.

"No it's my fault, I keep forgetting where I am," I say not wanting to give them an excuse to argue.

"I guess it must be weird for you getting used to calling things different names," Davey says and I nod in agreement.

"It's more that I slip up when I'm not thinking, I mean most things have similar names. At least I think." Louis looks at me for a moment.

"Maybe you can help me get better informed," he says and I don't miss that his eyes flit briefly to Sharon. I see a shadow cross her face but she doesn't react.

"Maybe," I say keeping my voice neutral. "But I think that would be a pretty boring lesson."

"Maybe, maybe not," Louis says winking at me, and I have to force my face to stay straight. I know what he's playing at and if he thinks he's using me to make Sharon jealous, he has another think coming.


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