30. Brook

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<Nicky's POV>

"No, I'm definitely not leaving," I said, my arms still crossed over my chest, displaying my determination.

"Vause, take care of this nonsense. I have a meeting to attend," Kubra said to Vause because he knew that he couldn't convince me.

"Nicky, please. Last year, you would have jumped at an opportunity like this. It's only for a few weeks, a few months, tops," Vause begged.

"This is bullshit! It will cause suspicion in school. It's, generally speaking, a bad idea."

"We'll say that we're on an exchange program in Germany. It will be an easy operation. Or like the Germans say: Eine ganz simple Nummer."

"Vause, I can't go. Lorna-. I can't leave her, I'm not even allowed to tell her for God's sake. I'm finally clean, Lorna and me, we're finally in a good place. Work isn't my priority right now. And honestly, it shouldn't be either."

"Nicky-" I heard Vause call after me as I stormed out of school.


Her fingers were tangled in my hair, pulling my head closer to hers, locking our lips together, not allowing us to part. She snuck her hand under my shirt. The feeling of her fingertips over my back sent electricity through my whole body. I moaned as she followed my spine with her fingertips, causing her to grin. She disconnected our lips, looking at me for a few seconds, her eyes showing nothing but desire. I tilted my head as I felt Lorna's lips kissing my neck, sucking on my skin as if her life depended on it. I searched for her lips again, wanting to feel the softness of them against mine, her red lipstick smearing all over my face. She parted her lips, her tongue finding her way to mine. I snuck my hand under her shirt, slowly working my way up. She groaned as I cupped her breast over her bra while biting her lower lip, daring her to make the next move.

The doorbell rang.

I continued to kiss her, not wanting to ever part from her again. Luckily, she pulled me even closer, rolling us over in my bed, so she was lying on top.

The doorbell rang again.

I could feel Lorna slowly pulling away from me, irritated by the noise. My lips were still pressed to hers, not wanting to let go. Her nails, which formerly had dug into my back, leaving red scratches, were smoothly lying on my back, relaxing.

The doorbell rang for the third time, causing me to roll over, groaning.

"Just get the door" Lorna whispered, looking at me with a sheepish grin.

I rushed down the door, hoping to continue our make-out session.

"Nicky!" a dark-haired Asian wrapped her delicate arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug "I missed you!"

Fuck. Why? I mean why?! God, why? How was I going to get out of this one without Lorna noticing? I ran my fingers through my hair, untangling a few strands in frustration.

"We need to talk," I said monotonously. She frowned at my coldness while I pulled her outside on the porch.

"It's so great to see you!" she started rambling. 

"Brook! I need you to listen to me. Carefully. Only this time, alright?" 

She nodded in approvement, before pressing her lips together in an awkward manner. 

"I don't know how long it has been since you left, but it has been quite a while. And I remember that we didn't break up, but still, I moved on. I don't love you anymore" I nodded, trying to sound sincere and suppress my laughter because I had never loved her. To me, she was just a tool for satisfaction, just like every other girl was. I continued: "We had a great time, but we're not a couple anymore. I am in love with someone else, I'm sorry."

"I know that," she laughed, taking me by surprise. If she knew we weren't a couple, why would she act this way then?

"I don't love you either, Nicky. I never did and neither did you. The reason I am here is because I know that you" she seductively laid her finger on my collar bone "need me. Not for a relationship, but for what we used to be. We were never a couple, we were friends. Remember?" she continued in a seductive tone.

It was obvious to say that she had mastered the mystery of seduction as I caught myself thinking back to our previous relationship. The times we snuck out of classes, hooking up in the janitors closet, the weekends we would get high, hooking up in the most random places of which wouldn't remember anything the next morning.

"Don't pretend like you don't remember" she stepped closer to me, caressing my cheek with her thumb.

"No, I'm good, thanks. I already have someone who takes care of me."

Before I could react, her lips were pressed against mine. It didn't send waves of pure happiness down my spine, like Lorna's kisses, it didn't cause me to mentally jump in excitement , it didn't cause me to pray that the kiss would last forever. Instead, I pushed her away, wiping my mouth with my sleeve, like I could erase the moment.

"My offer stands," she winked at me and then walked away, leaving me concerned.

I tiptoed inside the house, hoping that Lorna wouldn't suspect anything.

"Who was that?" Lorna's voice emerged from the kitchen.

"Uh- that was Brook."

"Brook? As in your ex-girlfriend, Brook?"

"Yup," I pulled down my sleeves, suddenly starting to shiver.

"Does she know about me?"

No! Of course not. Sadly. What is Lorna expecting me to do? Call her my girlfriend? I don't even know in what kind of relationship we are so how am I supposed to tell someone else?

"More or less" I took a glass from the shelf while looking for orange juice, my favorite.

"Why did she kiss you then?"

I choked on my juice, coughing for air. She saw us on the porch?! I instantly panicked, my palms began to sweat, my throat turned dry and I felt my pulse banging against my chest.

"I - I pushed her away," I stuttered, my voice cracking.

"Nicky," Lorna came closer to me, laying her hands on my shoulders, calming me down. "It's okay. I saw what happened. I'm proud of you"

She's proud of me. I instantly smiled at her words. My hands reached for her cheek as I bent down, trying to kiss her. But instead, she leaned away, holding her hand between our faces.

"You just kissed another woman, what are you expecting? To forgive you just like that?" she grinned at me. Lorna could be such a tease sometimes. I think she got that from me.

"How about I make it up to you?"

I grinned as she stepped closer, laying her arms around my neck, pulling me down. Our lips met and again, I felt the tingling sensation make its way through my body.

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