2. That guy

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<Nicky's POV>

I can't stop smiling, thinking about how great this day had started. Vause was totally hyped because of new clients, my mother had left me more cash than usual and I met a super hot girl. Lorna.

I walked into the classroom just behind Vause and took in the atmosphere of the new environment. I quickly scanned my classmates, identifying possible customers. Usually, we would sell the drugs to potheads, goths and a few others. At this school, Kubra had told us that we weren't allowed to confront cheerleaders since they viewed us as enemies. Rivalry among popular groups was common, but our gang didn't want to be involved in any of it. We were just here because of the money, we weren't looking for drama.

Looking at my classmates, I could find the usual composition. Geeks and nerds in the front, normal students in second row, potheads and cool kids in the back. Completely lost in my thoughts, the sweet, high voice of Lorna caught me off guard.

"Fuck" she muttered.

Although the image of Lorna swearing was really cute, her shocked expression made me think about her thoughts. She probably just realized that I was part of "the gang".  Why did she seem so shocked? Was she part of some anti-drug group? Why was she so worried by me being part of the gang? Wait, did she already care about me?

I must have been lost in my thoughts forever, since my best friend, Alex Vause, pulled me towards her.

"We'll talk about that later," she chuckled and winked at me. She must think that Lorna was my new sexual prey, which was usually my thing. Unfortunately, Kubra, the leader of "the gang" had established a few rules. One of them included, no relationships or one night stands with people from our school. Apparently, it was bad for business. Too bad that I wasn't sure whether I could keep my hands off of Morello. Her short, brown, curly hair and her cute, bright smile had already mesmerized me.

Fuck, I thought, catching myself thinking about her again. Normally, I wasn't like this at all. I was not taken back by women. I never had an emotional bond with them and was fine with using them for sex and moving on. I had no desire to become emotionally attached to any of them. I was not allowed to let that happen now.


I didn't like the new teachers at our school. Mr. Healy our English teacher, had insisted on playing a game with us.

"Liking your first day, Nichols?" Vause smiled at me.

"Nah, the teachers are fuckin' weirdos"

"Well, seems like there is at least one girl who appears interesting to you," Vause smirked at me while glancing over to Lorna, who was talking to her friends luckily. I turned around, already annoyed by Vause's indication.

"So ladies, state your name and what you like about this subject," Mr. Healy said in a sleepy voice.

Vause looked at me and rolled her eyes, making me chuckle. We both had a similar taste in almost everything. Whether it was drugs, clothes, girls, or in this case, teachers. Bored as fuck, we were both making faces as Kubra nudged me in the side.

"Would you two calm the fuck down! This is not a joke, this is your job. Concentrate!"

For him, business always had been a priority. For me, it was the drugs, not the money. I was part of the gang mostly because of Vause pressuring me into it and the access to free drugs at any time.

Already half of the class had stated their name, but I had barely listened. I wasn't interested in any of them.

"My name is Lorna and what I love about the subject English is its literature." As soon as she had started talking, my attention shifted towards her. My eyes focused on her eyes and lips, how they moved when she spoke and how she bit them when she was nervous. All of my desires had become focused on her, I wanted to taste those lips, feel their softness against my own, explore her smooth skin with my fingertips. I almost started to smile as I noticed Alex grinning at me, noticing my interest in Lorna. I heard her chuckle. Although I supressed my smile, I couldn't help but smile when Lorna looked at me. I heard Alex chuckle even harder and turned around. She was biting her lips, trying to hold back her laughter. Her eyes filled with tears of laughter as she kept on giggling. I stepped on her foot, hoping that she would finally stop.

"You two. The new class clowns, I guess." Mr. Healy stepped towards us, pointing his finger at my face.

"How about you tell us something about yourself" he smirked towards me, hoping he could intimidate me.

Unfortunately, he didn't know the fact that nobody could mess with me. I had never been interested in what people either said or thought about me. This disinterest hadn't changed.

"My name is Nicky. I like English cause it allows me to talk to others." My disinterested expression reflected my true emotions towards school. It is boring.

"Oh, I think we found our new smartmouth!" Mr. Healy pointed at me, symbolizing that he couldn't stand me at all. Well, those feelings are mutual.

Although Kubra seemed angry by all the attention I had drawn towards me, I could only see Lorna, who was grinning at my response. Out of all those things over the years I had achieved, which was quite much, the greatest achievement out of all was Lorna's bright smile.


"Nichols what the fuck did I tell you!" Kubra was so angry that he was spitting all over my face.

I shrugged my shoulders; I was having a great day and he wasn't going to ruin it. He stepped towards me in a superior manner and leaned down whispering into my ear.

"How many new people did you talk to today?"

I knew exactly how many people I talked to. Only one. Lorna. And I didn't have any interest in talking to somebody else.

"A few" I lied.

"You better bring some cash on Friday."

Friday was cash day. Throughout the whole week, we would have to sell drugs, find a few new mules and memorize our new customers. On friday we would meet, write everything down and count the money. It didn't matter to Caleb, Logan and me. We didn't need the money, we were in it for the drugs. But Kubra wasn't a joke, he was connected to someone, which was much more intimidating than him. He was connected to some serious business, which is why nobody blamed him for being such a jerk sometimes.

"Don't be that hard on her, she found a new girlfriend," Vause chuckled again.

"Oh really," Caleb said, raising his eyebrows.

"Would you already stop it, Vause," I really had enough of her games.

"That's brilliant," Kubra said. Caleb and Vause immediately turned around, wondering why Lorna would give us some advantage.

"Sell her a few drugs, make her our new mule. Easy. " Kubra shrugged his shoulders, attempting to walk away.

Fuck. Vause shouldn't have said anything. I didn't want Morello to get involved with any of this. Being a drug mule was extremely dangerous and risky, I didn't want to put her in danger. I didn't want to use her like we normally did. I wasn't sure what to do. But one thing was clear, I couldn't tell Vause or anybody about the real reason, why I didn't want Lorna to be a mule.

"Ah, no that's a bad idea. She doesn't seem like that type." I answered quickly, hoping that Kubra wouldn't notice my hesitation.

"But she seems to be yours," Vause started giggling again.

"Vause and Nichols, just find out what kind of girl she's like. I want some results by tomorrow," and with that Kubra turned around and walked away.

Most of the students went to the cafeteria during lunch break, but Vause and I were always hanging around somewhere, looking out for potheads and goths. Or easy meat as we would call them.

"You think she has a boyfriend?" Vause asked me.

"Well her looks say yes, but I don't really care." I lied again.

"You're so crappy at lying." she paused shortly, "But you know what Kubra said: no one night stands with classmates. I'm sorry."

But what if I wanted more than just sex with her? Lost in my thoughts about Morello again, I was completely caught off guard when we saw Morello standing next to the lockers with some guy. He was a lot taller than her, had blond, scrubby hair and was leaning against the wall. He was facing me with his back so I could only see Lorna. I assumed by the smile on her face that it was her boyfriend, but you know what they say: Don't judge a book by its cover.

Praying that he wasn't her boyfriend, I noticed Vause glancing at me, but I didn't care. The only thing I cared about was whether that guy is Lorna's boyfriend.

One of us - Nichorelloحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن