Chapter 16- Morgana

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Morgana's POV
3 years ago...

The woman was tall. Her face spoke of youth yet she had a look in her eye which betrayed her age to Morgana. She was powerful though, she could sense the magic from this woman metres away, something which rarely happened. She had an air of regality. Her poise and grace was evident from her stance, a posture which likely had taken years of lessons to perfect. Yet it seemed natural on this woman. It suited her.

Her demeanour spoke of royalty yet Morgana could sense hardship, being masked by the facade the woman wore. Her face was framed by an intricately detailed hairstyle, consisting of golden hair in braids wrapped around the face of the woman. On top of her hair sat a crown unlike anything Morgana had ever seen In Camelot. It was a dark grey metal, jagged in shape. Long chains hung from the crown, running underneath her chin and outlining the pale face of the woman.

Her dress was a wonder. Sky blue and a silvery grey to match her crown. A work in lace and embroidery, it told a story of wealth. Of riches beyond imagining.

Morgause had insisted upon this meeting. Morgana had only known Morgause a short while, a matter of months, and Morgause had yet to win Morgana's complete trust. But, Morgause had persisted, and Morgana gave in.

She wished she hadn't.

For all the beauty of the woman there was a sense of danger about her. And Morgana felt fear unlike anything she had felt before. It gripped her heart and twisted, causing her to feel sick to her stomach. Morgana found herself wishing she was back in Camelot, surrounded by the walls of the castle.

Oh, that castle had felt so safe when she was a child.

But these days things were different. She was likely to be found out soon, and they would know who she really was. Being in Camelot would not do for much longer. It was simply a matter of time until she left, and when she did, Morgause would be there, caring for her.

The woman took a step towards where Morgana and Morgause stood. Morgana's chest tightened. The fear taking an even stronger hold. A smile crept onto the lips of the woman. Morgana found herself doubting Morgause. Could it be a trap? When the woman took Morgause's hand, it did nothing to alleviate Morgana's fears.

'My child, this is the girl, yes?' The woman's voice sounded like running water. The words flowing out of her mouth effortlessly, yet sounding cold, controlled.

Morgana knew that she could not run. It would be foolish. For all her power, Morgause and the woman could undoubtedly best her in a battle.

The woman dropped Morgause's hand, and turned to Morgana. Her eyes ran all over Morgana, inspecting her. To Morgana's shock, the woman embraced Morgana, holding her in a hug that felt almost motherly.

Then she realised. Morgana looked pointedly at Morgause and raised an eyebrow. Morgause simply nodded.

Withdrawing herself from the arms of the woman, Morgana looked into the violet eyes of the woman.


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