21. A day not Soon Forgotten

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Cadhradriel stood on the balcony, twisting her wedding ring. It had been several months since the wedding, but to her it felt like yesterday.


"How're you feeling?" "Do you need anything?" "Here have some water?" "Do you want me to give Lindir a message for you?"

Those were the questions that Cadhradriel had been asked all morning. The morning of her wedding day. She was surprisingly calm, which freaked everyone else out. Daelarien was running around the Last Homely House like a chicken with its head cut off.

"Nana, I'm fine."

Cadhradriel moved her head as her mother frantically tried to smooth out a misplaced curl. Daelarien ignored her daughter's plea. All the bride wanted to do was get married and go on her honeymoon. She never wanted a big wedding, but something small and simple. However, being the daughter of the Glorfindel of Gondolin, her wish for a small wedding wasn't going to happen.

Arwen entered the room, with a flower crown in her dark hair. The young Elleth had grown up so quickly, Cadhradriel was amazed. It seemed like only yesterday, she was playing dress up with her when Lord Elrond's daughter was an elfling.

"I have a note for you."

Cadhradriel knitted her eyebrows together in confusion as she took the envelope from her friend. The note was from her brother, who was with Lindir. She read the note quickly and asked for a quill and ink. The items were brought to her, and she scribbled down her response.

Arwen then left the room, leaving the mother and daughter in silence. "What was that about?"

Cadhradriel shook her head and smiled. "Oh, it was nothing."

A knock sounded from the door. Daelarien quickly pushed her daughter behind the changing screen in case it was Lindir. The elf who knocked was only her father.

The bride breathed a sigh of relief and revealed herself. Glorfindel smiled seeing his eldest child. His blue eyes brimmed with tears as she walked closer to him. The wedding gown was the same one Daelarien wore on her wedding day. It was covered in white lace and it had tiny diamonds sewn in with the pattern. Glorfindel kissed his daughter's forehead.

"You look beautiful, my flower."

Cadhradriel kissed his cheek, a smile on her face when she pulled away. "Thank you. I'm guessing it's time to go?"

The blonde elf nodded. "It is."


Cadhradriel was starting to get nervous now. She shook her head. "Keep it together, Cad. Just think of it like another day," she thought to herself. But, it wasn't just a normal day. It was her wedding day. The day that she would bind herself to an Ellon for all eternity. She focused on the only person that mattered to her. Lindir.

At the end of the altar, stood the said Ellon. His navy blue tunic and burgundy covering made him look as handsome as the day they met. His brown gaze fell to the doors when they opened, revealing his bride to be. He felt his breath catch in his throat. There she stood. The love of his life, his best friend, his starlight.

Glorfindel and Cadhradriel made their way down the aisle, all eyes on the bride and father. Once they reached the altar, Glorfindel kissed his daughter's forehead one last time, before handing her over to another. Lindir gently took her hand in his. Their hands fit perfectly together, always had.

Lord Elrond stood in front of them. It was only fitting to have their lord marry them. The congregation sat down, and lord Elrond began to speak.

"Friends and family, you've all come here to bear witness to the marriage of Lindir and Cadhradriel. Lindir, take your bride's hands in yours."

Lindir gently takes both of Cadhradriel's hand in his. Lord Elrond then took several blue ribbons out from his sleeve.

"Lindir and Cadhradriel, I want you to look into each other's eyes."

The two elves follow his bidding. Cadhradriel felt the tears brimming in her eyes as she looked at her soon to be husband.

"Will you honor and respect one another, and seek to never break that honor?"

"We will," the couple said in unison.

Elrond then draped a cord over their hands. "The first binding has been made. Will you share each other's pain and seek to ease it?"

"We will."

The second cord was draped over their intertwined fingers. "The second binding has been made. Will you share the burdens of each other so that your spirits can grow in this Union?"

"We will."

The third cord was placed. "The third binding has been made. And finally, will you share each other's laughter, and look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other?"

"We will."

Elrond draped the last ribbon over their hands and tied them all together. "With these cords, you have bound yourselves together for all of eternity. Lindir, you may kiss your bride."

And he does. The congregation cheers as the couple shares their first kiss as man and wife. Cadhradriel felt the tears finally fall. The couple pulled away from each other, and walked away from the altar together.


Cadhradriel continued to stand there at the balcony. The evening breeze blew her long dark hair away from her face. She and Lindir had gone to the coast where Cirdan ruled for their honeymoon, and had a wonderful time.

A pair of arms encircled her waist, and a kiss planted on the back of her neck. Cadhradriel sighed and relaxed against her husband's figure.

"You're home early."

"I know. I wanted to spend more time with you."

Cadhradriel placed her hands over his. "I was just thinking about our wedding day."

Lindir raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what about it?"

The Elleth turned around, and removed a stray leaf that had been tangled in her husband's hair. "Pretty much the entire ceremony."

Lindir smirked. "What about after?"

Cadhradriel smirked at her husband, her blue eyes growing more mischievous by the second. "How about I show you what I was thinking?"

With that, Lindir scooped his wife up into his arms, and carried her back to their chambers for a pleasant evening 😉😏.

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