6. Awakening

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Glorfindel had not moved from his chair since his daughter had been brought back to Rivendell. He, Lord Elrond, Sarthanir, Taneniel, and Prince Thranduil had followed her.

When the company of Elves reached the summit of the tower, they saw the horrific sight of the Witch king standing over the dark haired elf.

Taneniel, Sarthanir, and Glorfindel were able to distract the servant of Sauron, long enough for Elrond and Thranduil to rescue Cadhradriel.

Sarthanir entered the room.

"Ada, go get some rest. I will stay with her."

Glorfindel shook his head as his son sat down across the bed from him. "I have already been away from both of you too long. I can't bear to be apart again."

Sarthanir raised an eyebrow. "I don't remember that night, but I do know that you did what any elf would do."

The older elf sighed, his gaze falling to his sleeping daughter. His thoughts took him back to a simpler time.


Cadhradriel ran down the long corridor to her parent's room. Thunder cracked and lightning flashed across the night sky, causing the elfling to cry out.

She reached for the door handle, and scrambled inside.

Both Daelarien and Glorfindel stirred hearing the door open. The dark haired Elleth sat up in bed, and looked towards the direction.

A small figure scurried over to the bed, and pulled itself up. Daelarien smiled seeing her young daughter.

Cadhradriel sniffled and curled up into her mothers lap. Daelarien wrapped her arms around the elfling, rubbing her back.

"My flower, what's wrong?"

Cadhradriel turned her face to Glorfindel. "Thunder Ada."

Glorfindel smiled, and gently lifted her up into his lap. "It's okay my flower. Nana and I will be right here."

The little Elleth looked up to her father, tears brimming in her blue eyes. Glorfindel smiled, and wiped her eyes.

"I will always be there for you," Glorfindel whispered in her pointed ear as she closed her eyes.


Glorfindel looked up when he heard a knock on the door. His gaze fell to a young Ellon with brown hair and brown eyes.

"My lord Glorfindel," the minstrel greeted. "I was wondering if I could play for your daughter. Music is known to help the soul."

Glorfindel nodded.

The Ellon entered the room, a small harp in his hand. He sat down in a chair near the bed, and began to play.

Glorfindel sat listening to the music. Out of the corner of his blue eye, he saw a slight movement.

The older elf turned to his daughter.

Cadhradriel's finger moved slowly across the duvet cover. Glorfindel's eyes widen. The music was helping her wake up.

Glorfindel gently took her hand in his, stroking her hand with his thumb. "Come on my flower. Please wake up," he looked to the brunette elf. "Would you mind playing a little louder?"

The minstrel nodded.

A few moments later, Cadhradriel opened her eyes. She slowly looked around the room, confused as to why she was in the healing room.

Glorfindel smiled, tears brimming in his eyes.

Cadhradriel smiled back at him. "Ada, what happened?"

Glorfindel told her what happened after the confrontation with the Witch king. Cadhradriel nods, slowly processing the information.

The Elleth looked at the minstrel, who sat awkwardly in the chair nearby. She studied him for a moment. His hair is a chocolate brown, with matching eyes. His overall appearance was handsome.

"Your music is beautiful. Thank you."

The elf smiled towards her. "It was my pleasure to play for such a beautiful Elleth. May I ask for your name my lady?"

Cadhradriel returned the smile. "Cadhradriel. And yours?"

The minstrel took her hand in his, bringing it up to kiss it. "My name is Lindir."

Cadhradriel blushed and smiled at the handsome Ellon. "I'm glad to have met you, Lindir."

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