Chapter 17

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It's been a week since Zabuza's and Haku's arrival. A week since Zabuza began training Menma. During this time few things changed:
1. Training was going well for all but the 2 pigs. They refused to get their outfits dirty and believed they had enough power and didn't need more. Menma was improving immensely, to the point that it shocked even Naruto. He was going a little slower than when Naruto started training, but was amazing nonetheless.
2. Naruto started to train alone, with his summons and the 2 deities in him. He has gotten better at combined attacks with his summons, the 3 bosses. The best part is Ulrica, the wolf boss, was interested in Menma. She said that when Naruto felt it was the right time, he should give Menma the wolf summoning contract. However, he won't become Ulrica's summoner since she is Naruto's. Same with Manda, she won't be Sasuke's summon since she is Naruto's.

However, today Naruto and the others (except the 2 pigs) marched towards the final showdown vs Gatō and his goons. Naruto secretly left behind a shadow clone knowing Gatō may try to send someone to kidnap Inari and Tsunami. He knew the 2 pigs would be useless against even a non-ninja. They were just horrible.

They all marched and faced Gatō and his mercenaries. Each held their head high. No one from either side moved an inch, tension built up. Sweat trickled down the goons, seeing the ninjas they had to face. It was quiet for quite a while, till Gatō was stupid enough to break it, "Seems like you joined them Zabuza. Honestly. Well, no matter, I was planning on killing you and that pest of yours once you killed the ninjas. This just makes it easier."
Gatō eyed his enemies, till he came upon Naruto. He smirked and said, "Well hello boy. For a boy you are very beautiful. Yes, you would be perfect for me. I was looking for a play thing and I finally found one. Why don't you surrender now boy? Well, I would have to thank your whore of a mother and that bastard father of yours. I bet they'll sell you to me for a good price." He licked his lips, lust clouded his eyes.

Naruto looked calm outside, but was boiling in rage. He smirked, "While I do agree my so-called father is a bastard, my mother however isn't a whore, unlike you. She's an amazing person and I would keep my mouth shut if I were you."
Gatō smirked, "A feisty one ey? Well then, why don't you bring your WHORE of a mother to me too? I can show you both a wonderful time in my bed. I'd pound you mercilessly, till neither one of you whores could thinking about anything but pleasure. Don't worry my men will try you too. We do share. You'll be my personal slaves, my personal sluts. You'd be licking my feet for more! Hahahahahaha!!! "
Naruto became infuriated, "I've had enough of your shit! CHARGE!"

Naruto activated his Bouringen and turned the mist all around him to blades of water. Those blades impaled many goons. He summoned Manda's poison sword, which he called Pois, and slashed every goon there. The poison from the sword entered each of them, making them feel as if they were burning inside, which they were. It was excruciatingly painful till the end. He turned towards Gatō and smirked at the frightened expression.
"P-Please d-dont kill me! I-I'll give y-you a-anything!!"
Naruto slowly walked closer, his Bouringen glowing, and stopped right in front of Gatō. He grabbed his head hard and squeezed it tightly, earning a scream from Gatō.
"This is what you get for disrespecting my mother and I. SATAN'S FLAMES!! "

Gatō's body was covered in black flames as he screamed in agony. After a few minutes, Gatō dropped dead, burnt to a crisp. Naruto turned to face his teammates and saw a few shocked faces; Ebisu and Menma. Ebisu quickly turned his shock to a smile and have Naruto a well deserved thumbs up. Menma ran towards Naruto and said, "THAT WAS AWESOME! You are so amazing!!! Yosh! I'm all fired up now! I vow to be just as strong as you!" Menma said happily.
Naruto smiled brightly at his brother and raised his fist. Menma saw this and raised his fist so that they could fist bump.

Sasuke came closer too and said, "Looks like I still have a lot of things to learn before I can find my brother. I hope he's okay."
"Don't worry, he's safe. I promise." Naruto said.
"Your brother? " Menma asked.
"Yeah. He has a reason for attacking the clan and I know it. I'm going to find him and get answers. Don't tell anyone though, if people found out that I knew then they'll have my head."
"Is that why you pretended to hate him? "
"Yep. Everyone who Naruto trusts knows this. In fact, Naruto is the reason I'm not seeking vengeance. He told me that Itachi must've had a reason. I remember him crying that day, crying for what he did. And I need an explanation, I need him."
Menma said, "Don't worry about me. My lips are sealed! I'll help you as much as I can!"
Sasuke smiled. "Thanks! "

Naruto smiled, "Seems you two are ready." He removed 2 scrolls from a seal in his hand. The scrolls floated up and opened by itself. 1 landed in front of each.
"Naruto, is this what I think it is? " Sasuke asked.
"Yep! Congratulations you 2! You are ready for your first summons! Sign your name with your blood and your summon will appear, along with a tattoo on your hand."
Both eagerly wrote their name and 2 pop sounds could be heard.
In front of Sasuke was a long snake, "My name isss Ssia. I am the yougessst nieccce of Manda. I can sssense great potential from the you. Cccall me whenever, no matter the occccassssion." Sia disappeared, and a snake tattoo similar to Naruto's appeared on Sasuke's left wrist.
"My name is Sam! The great white wolf and the nephew to Ulrica! You're meant for great things pup! Like Sia, call me whenever and for any occasion! See you around!" Sam disappeared, leaving a wolf tattoo similar to Naruto's on Menma's left wrist.

Everyone smiled and congratulated the 2. Naruto could feel Sai feeling a little left out and made a mental note to get Sai a summon too. Hiruzen and Kurama read that mental not and decided to find a summon for Sai.

They all left to the house and Naruto ended the goons outside (which his clone had caught and tied). Inari and Tsunami were cooking lunch while the 2 pigs were unconscious on the floor. Clearly because they were overpowered by the 2 goons. How pathetic. After lunch and waking the 2 pigs up, everyone (including Haku and Zabuza) left for the hidden leaf village.

When they left, Inari turned to his grandfather, "What should we name this bridge, grandpa? "
"How about, the Great Inari Bridge!"
Inari smiled and said, "I have a better idea! The Great Naruto Bridge! "

Ja nee~

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