Chapter 4- Kushina's regret

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I do NOT own Naruto!

~~~Leaf Village~~~
Kushina's POV
It's been 6 months since Mikoto has ever talked to me. She made it very clear she hates me because I treated him that way. They say he's a human and something in me believes that. I always thought of him as a demon but something in me kept telling me he's a human, but I ignored it. I always thought that he may bring destruction to my family. I realise no w he is my family too....
Ever since he left, I felt a little guilty. No one in my family did, in fact they celebrated. I couldn't. Today I am doing something I never thought I would...... go to his room.
I walk upstairs and enter the room/ attic. It is dark, gloomy and depressing. I look only to see a sleeping bag, a dusty and broken cupboard and a broken and old desk. There is a dustbin where many flies are attracted to it for some reason. I shoo them away and see something that made me wanna puke..... LOTS OF BANDAGES COVERED IN BLOOD!!!! Why?!

This room/ attic isn't a place for someone to live in. I feel something stab my heart. I look at the desk to see a diary and a note on it. It read:
To Kushina,
Naruto made me leave this here if you. This is only for your eyes so only you can break the seal on it. Don't show anyone.
From Orochimaru
Why would Naruto leave this for me? I unlock the seal and read. It's Naruto's diary from age 1-4. Wait.... 1?!  He could write this well at that age 1?!
The first entry read:
To Diary,
Obaa- chan left this you here and told me to write in it! She tot me how to write and read. She scary! But I no she luvs me. I wish my real mom luv me like this too. I luv her but she thik I am daemon. Y? I don't no. She hate me? Mayby. I luv her tho.

Mama just glare at me so mayby she no hate me tat much.

My famili hate me lot! Today, I ask papa if he can play with me but he hit me on face. Then my bro and sis kik me.

Age 1.

I look at this and felt a pang in my heart. They hit him at age 1?! I am no better, I glared at me.
I looked at the another entry:

Dear Diary,
I have gotten better at spelling! Tsunade Obaa-chan made shore of that. Scary!!! Uncle Orochi help me too. Also creepy sage. He very creepy. He looks at a orange book and giggles weird.

Itachi-nii, Kaka-nii and Anko-nee came to the Sannin house. I was there. We ate Dango. And ramen! I love ramen- dattebayo!!

I start saying dattebayo a few months ago. I once told papa that but he hit me in the stomach and punch me in the face. Why? I start to cry but he laugh. He glare at me, like the villagers...... evil, mean and scary.

Every time I am outside, everyone glare st me. But today, a person hit my head with a botle. Uncle Orochi was there and he hit the person and send him to Anko-nee and Ibiki-nii. They hurt bad people. Tsunade obaa-chan heal me and so did Kurama-nii.

Kurama-nii is the Nine Tail Fox. Everyone is talking mean things about him but he is soo kind. But he loves to tease me. He didn't attack the village because he wanted to, he was controld to. By a person name Mi, no I think it Ma? Yes. Madara Uchiha. Everyone I love love him too! He is soo nice!

Bye bye,
Age 2.

What?! He knows about the Kyuubi?! He is nice and was forced to attack! Wait..... why did I think Naruto as a demon? Oh no........ what have I done?!
I flipped to another entry.

Dear Diary,
Yesterday is the worst day. I was attacked by the villagers. They beat me up! They called me monster, demon and murderer. Why? I never hurt anyone. When I came home, mum ask me why I was late and when I told her, she slapped me!! I thought she would believe me. She starts shouting at me and the Hokage punch me. The Hokage's children kick me when I went up. Did no one see my bruises? Kaka-nii came and I told him and he believe me. He said he will help me. Kurama-nii came in his human form to help me.

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