chapter 15- Menma

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Tazuna looked at Zabuza and said, "Been a while. U here to take me. "
"Was. I wouldn't have accepted if I knew it was you. "
"What are you planning to do? "
"Stay with you of course. I'm not leaving Naruto alone with those girls."

And so their journey began with Zabuza and Haku along with them.

The second Inari saw his older brother at his door step,  he knew everything was going to be alright. He ran to his older brother in full speed and tackled him to the ground. Sobbing, he kept whispering how glad he was to see he nii-san. Only the 2 idiotic girls didn't know what was happening.

After about 5 minutes,  Kakashi had to separate them.
"Is he inu?" Inari asked,  looking at Kakashi.
"How does he know me? "
"Told him about everyone in my family when I came here."
"oh.. "

Inari looked at Sasuke and said,  "he looks like the other nii-san!"
"He's the younger brother. "
Feeling ignored, Mito said, "Why care about what that demon says when the child of the Hokage is right in front of you? "
Everyone stopped. That one word was used on the person least like a demon. That one word they all hated.

Mito felt something graze her cheek. Before she realised it,  she was punched so hard she fell to the ground. The punch was delivered by none other than Menma.
"Can't you keep that dirty mouth of yours shut?  How are you my sister? "
He looked at everyone and said,  "Sorry about her stupidity. She's a slow learner." Menma bowed down and left towards the grassy field.
Everyone froze. They did not expect that.

Meanwhile, with Menma-
Menma laid down on a field of grass.
"Did you mean what you said?  Or are you lying?" A gentle yet cautious voice asked him from behind. He didn't need to look back to know who it was.
"I did mean what I said. I did horrible things to Naruto and I know he'll never forgive me. Heck,  I can't forgive myself."
The mysterious person sat down next to him.
"I don't think I properly introduced myself. I'm Haku."
"Not gonna use your last name."
"Use the last name of the person who made me see my brother as a demon?  Nah, not interested."
"You still think of him as your brother?"
"I do. But,  he probably doesn't. Can't blame him."
"What made you change your mind about your brother?"
"I think it was when he left and my mother started supporting him. She said she couldn't believe that we all treated him badly and tried to convince us he isn't a demon. I had a feeling she was right but never said anything. I started to doubt it,  was my brother really a demon? The more I thought about it, the more I realised I knew nothing about him!  I called him a demon without knowing how he was. Though,  I still couldn't shake off the voice in my head saying he was a demon. When he came back,  I sorta got attracted to him. Not the brotherly way. But as I tried to get closer,  the more I realised it was impossible to. After a while he started going out with Shikamaru. I was upset but understood. I let go of my feelings,  but it was pretty hard."
"You could've summarised it... "
"You didn't ask me to.."
The 2 looked at each other and laughed.

After a while,  Haku laid down next to Menma. "I don't think it's disgusting."
"what " Menma asked, confused.
"The fact you were, and possibly still are,  attracted to your brother in that way. Who wouldn't be?  It's Naruto we are talking about! Many find that disgusting but I don't. Besides,  you didn't become a yandere when he got a boyfriend so that's a good thing."
Menma smiled. He too felt it was disgusting but never said anything about it. Haku knew what he felt.
"Thanks Haku. "
"I'll help you find a new love, if you want."
"Much appreciated."
The 2 laughed again and looked at the sky.

"By the way,  I'm a boy... "

DONE. Hoped you liked it! See you all soon!  Ja nee!

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