Chapter 7

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Complete and utter silence from Myles. He didn't text me that night, he didn't text me Sunday and it is now Monday morning. 

As i walk down the crowded hall and reach my locker, i can't help, but think about him.

I screwed up.

I walk into my first period classroom and take a seat, noticing that Myles still hasn't come in. I pull out my phone and scroll through my twitter while i wait for him to come. 

In a matter of seconds, i see a figure take a seat next to me and i glance over, its him. 

He looked up at me for a split second, but in that split second, i could see the hurt in his eyes. I knew he thought i didn't like him, but that wasn't true. 

I don't know how i felt. It all just escalated so quick, i am not ready for any of this. I thought i was, but im not.

I really screwed up.

Nothing was said during that class, he just ignored every effort i made to communicate with him. The bell had finally rang and Myles was out of that class within seconds. I reach his locker when he is about to go to second period.

" Myles, please talk to me. I know i couldn't give you a reason for everything Saturday, but i can explain it now " I say as he slams his locker closed and stares blankly into my eyes.

" Meet me at my car after school and i will explain everything " i assure and he hesitates for a second, but nods his head in agreement and walks towards his next class.

As the day went on, i could not focus in any class. I kept thinking of how i was going to explain everything to Myles, but i couldn't find the right words. Just as the final bell rang, i made a decision. 

I was just gonna say everything from my heart.

As i walk out the hall doors, i look out to the parking and spot Myles leaning against his car with his hands shoved in his jean pockets. I just wanted to give him the biggest hug, he looked so lost and hurt, it was killing me.

" Hi " i breath as i stand in front of him fiddling with my fingers.

" Hey " he says in a calm tone.

" So I'm just gonna come out and say this.." i begin.

" I think you're a great guy with a great personality, great smile, great sense of humor, really high goals for the future. I am glad i met you. I wanna apologize for the other day, it's not that i don't like you. I have been hurt numerous times in the past and the latest heart break was probably the worst. I didn't just hurt emotionally, but also physically. His name was Evan. I loved him, so much, but like i said at the party, you give all of you and the other person gives nothing. I found myself the only person committed in the relationship. I had broken up with him after six months and he became physical. After about two months of enduring his violent side, i finally spoke up about everything and i was able to get away from him, don't ask how, but i did. Ever since that situation, i have been so scared to open up to a guy and give him all of me because i know eventually, he will leave. I really do think you're an amazing guy, but i don't think I'm ready to be more than friends " i finish.

Myles grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug, wrapping his arms tight around my tiny waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and melt in his hug, he gave the best hugs. 

" I am so sorry you had to go through all of that, a beautiful and kind girl like you should never ever feel that kind of pain or any pain. I am here for you, always. I know that you need a friend most of all first so i will be that friend. You deserve to be happy and if us staying friends makes you happy, i will stay your friend forever " he says and i let out a giggle.

" Thank you for understanding " i say and he rests a kiss on my forehead.

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