Chapter 3

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        I step into the view of the mirror and gasped, i look amazing. If it wasn't for Morgan's pro makeup skills, i would look the same as i always do with plain eyeliner and mascara. I wore a white laced crop  top that went just above my belly button with high waisted medium washed destroyed shorts with a pair of strapped white sandals.

" You look hot " Morgan says walking out of the my closet.

" You too, Jake won't be able to take his eyes off you " I say after examining her outfit.

Morgan had on a studded bustier tank top with floral print, which made her boobs look huge, and destroyed high waisted denim shorts. She was definitely getting lucky tonight.

We both grabbed our small purses and phones and made our way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to get my keys and saw my mom making dinner. She turned around as she heard Morgan and I walk in.

" You two look so grown up " She says making her way to us and giving us both a hug. My mom was always the type of mom who understood what us teenagers go through and aren't as hard on us.

" Be safe tonight, make good choices " she says and we wave goodbye as we walk out of the house and onto the porch. 

We walk down the driveway and to my car. I take a seat in the driver seat and Morgan slips into the passenger seat. I start the ignition and pull out of the driveway.

" I am so excited, our first senior party " she squeals and i just laugh at her.

After ten minutes of driving, i pull up to the house Myles gave me the address to. I turn off the ignition and step out of the car. It was basically a mansion. You could hear the music probably a block away and see the strobe lights from inside all the way up in space. 

Morgan and I walk up to the porch and open the front door. The sudden smell of alcohol and weed instantly hit us like a ton of bricks. Music was being blasting, couples surround the house showing their "affection" for each other. I look further into the crowd and see Myles and Jake. I nudge Morgan and she looks at what my eyes had seen and instantly gasps. They spot us and walk up to us. Morgan looked like she was either gonna faint or tackle Jake. 

As soon as Myles gets close enough to see my outfit, his eyes draw straight to my body. I saw so much lust in his eyes, he couldn't look away. I looked over at Jake and he looked at Morgan the same way. 

" Hey " I say with a smile and give him a hug. He struggles to speak, but finally returns the hello.

" I'm glad you guys came " Jake says to both of us, but keeps his eyes set on Morgan's eyes.

" Wanna dance? " Jake asks her and she quickly nods yes. He takes her hand and leads her into the crowd and i can't help. but chuckle at her reaction.

" Are you up for dancing? " Myles questions and i shake my head no.

" I could show you around the house instead, it's pretty big " he says and i agree. I walk behind him as we walk up the stairs. 

He walks into the first door on the left and i see a large desk with a bunch of equipment that has the room looking like a studio.

" This is where Kalin and I record most of our songs " Myles says.

" You guys are singers? " I question, i didn't know they were in the music business.

" Kalin sings, I rap " he responds.

" Wanna hear a song we recorded? " he asks and i nod yes.

Myles starts to play a song titled Chase Dreams,  they sounded so good and the beat was on point.

" You guys are really good, why haven't i heard you guys before like on the radio or something?" I ask.

" They sometimes play our music, but not too much. Even though our concerts are sold out in minutes " he responds, " You should come see us preform sometime ' he finishes and i nod in agreement.

We both take a seat on the couch that was in Kalin's room so we didn't have to deal with all the racket downstairs.

" So tell me about yourself " Myles says and sits against the arm rest facing me.

" Well i have a older brother named Johnny who lives in DC with his wife, my dad is always out of town for work so i rarely see him, I have done swimming ever since i was about five, my favorite color is purple, I hate romantic relationships, and i have a bunny who i never see around the house named Snibbles " i say and Myles chuckles.

" Why do you hate romantic relationships? " Myles asks.

" Because it never lasts. It just leads to a heart break that you can't break out of and leaves scars that you can never forget. You get so invested in that one person that you believe there's no one else out there who could love you as much as they do. You give them all of you, but you get nothing in return. You just get hurt " I say fighting back the tears.

" Have you been hurt Haley? " Myles asks and i nod yes with a tear streaming down my face. He sits up from the couch and sits next to me. He wraps his arm around my neck and pulls me into his chest and slowly rubs my back for comfort.

" I'm so sorry you had to experience love in that way. I would never hurt you and if you ever need anyone to talk to, i will be here for you. Always. " Myles says which puts a smile on my face. Myles grabs my phone and puts his number in and i do the same in his phone.

" Thank you Myles " I say and hug him.

" Now let's stop being sad and go enjoy the party! " He says and i laugh as he drags me out of the room and back downstairs.

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