Chapter 5: A New Royal

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After repairing Chestnut's audio receptor and the requesting of a good recharge, Ratchet returned to scanning for any other strange signatures. He was interuppted when Rust entered the main room sniffing around at the railings, biting and pulling at them. "Put that down," Ratchet said noticing what he was doing. When Rust didn't listen and kept trying to take the railing again, Ratchet walked over to him giving a gentle tap on his helm. He released the rail and growled at him. He stepped back as Rust trotted off towards SmokeScreen's room. Curious, Ratchet followed, along the way he saw missing grates, bars, anything metal really. Rust turned her around and saw Ratchet following him, he looked at him irritated, but rolled his optics and continued. 'What is going on here?' Ratchet thought while examining a missing electrical plate, which he tore off and carried in his jaws not to long ago.
"Rust what is going on here?" He asked as they approched SmokeScreen's room. They entered and everything looked the same except there was a metal nest off in one corner and Lucky was laying in the nest with her tail suronnding four eggs, all with purple and red lines in them. She awoke from her power down moving her tail closer to the eggs growling showing off her sharp tail end, while Rust placed the electrial plate on a missing spot on the nest weilding the peice onto the nest. He looked at Ratchet and purred, snorting at Lucky. "Move your tail. Let him see the eggs," Rust said. Thankfully he had learned to talk in beast mode along with Lucky, he revealed it to Team Prime and they accepted it. "You... have eggs?" Ratchet whispered after being able to pick up one of the eggs. They both nodded, Lucky rested her head down next to the rest of the eggs tired, as she should be. Rust entered the nest and lied down next to his new sparkmate placing his head on her shoulders looking at his future sons and daughters, smiling to himself. Ratchet gently put the egg he was holding back into the small cluster with it's brothers and sisters.
Ratchet watched the two of them fall into power down. Lucky curling her tail around the eggs and Rust did the same with his tail. Ratchet smiled to himself walking out of SmokeScreen's room, deciding he would at least try and help the two preds out by gathering scrap metal for them. He entered the main room where the humans were again doing a video game tournement, while Raf was working with Ratchet as ground bridge operater. "Incoming ground bridge request from Ireland," he said, typing away at his computer. A ground bridge opened and WheelJack, BulkHead and Bumblebee came through carrying energon crystals in behind them. Ratchet looked at their load, thinking about the eggs and the future sparklings. 'They will need their stregth,' Ratchet thought.
.:Many long weeks later:.
"They hatched! The eggs hatched!" Rust commed in Ratchet. "Rafeal. Could you take over for me? I need to grab something from the... energon storage," Ratchet said heading towards the new hiding spot he made for the two preds. "He's been like that all month," Raf said typing away taking over as groundbridge operator. "Raf's not wrong," Arcee chimed in. "Isn't Ratchet usually like this?" Miko asked. "Not like this. Doc bots gone all secretive on us," WheelJack answered. "Gathreing up scrap metal, and moving the preds somewhere else," SmokeScreen said. He was limping slightly but being in a battle with cons who seemed to hate you the most would do that to you. "What do you mean he moved Luck and Rust somewhere else?" BulkHead asked. SmokeScreen nodded. Chestnut knew why Ratchet was acting so secretive and wanted to see if she was right.

Meanwhile in the preds new room which was in close proximity to the energon storage. Ratchet entered and saw four little sparklings, they were mostly wrestling each other playfully. Three were mechs, and one was femme. She was on top of her mother's shoulders watching her brothers wrestle. Ratchet sat down next to Lucky outside of the nest. "Amethyst come on now, go say hi to your siblings," Lucky said nudging. Little Amethyst shook her small head. "Then at least say hi to Ratchet," Rust said, nuzzling his daughter who seemed to have little teardrops on her throat.

"I knew it," Chestnut said from the doorway. The little mechs stopped wrestling and scattered to their mother, scurrying under her wing. Amethyst scurried to Ratchet, hiding behind his helm. She poked her helm out every now and then only to move back to hiding. "Chestnut your needed in the field!" Raf yelled from the main room. "I'll be right there!" She yelled back, heading back to the main room. "Guess she's not happy, Amethyst. You can come out now," Rust said watching as Chestmut stalked off for the main room.

.:The field!:.

"Ratchet the Decepticons have aquirred a Predacon, we need backup!" Ultra Magnus commed while doging the new predacons tail. "Did somebody ask for backup!" Chestnut yelled from the air. The new Predacon looked up at her as she transformed into her beast mode. The new Predacon stopped her attacks on Ultra Magnus and flew up to meet Chestnut. "Who are you?!" Chestnut asked roaring at the new comer. "Oh I'm called BoneFeather," she said, rather shyly. Chestnut looked down and saw DreadWing attacking Arcee, she dove down grabbing DreadWing in her back talons and launched him back landing him into a cliff wall. Chestnut turned her attention to Arcee who got up. BoneFeather watched from the air. 'Why does the predacon help the enemy?' She thought. She saw DreadWing draw his sword aiming it at Chestnut who was still preoccupied with checking Arcee for serious injuries.

"Look out!" She screeched, but it was to late DreadWing's sword was already through her backside and front. A loud screech sounded stopping the fight. BoneFeather landed next to Chestnut and growled lowly nudging her. Optimus saw the cons go through their ground bridge, all but KnockOut and BoneFeather. She looked at the Autobots and roared sadly to them. Then she screeched which caused KnockOut to run at BoneFeather and climb onto her back behind the wing joints. She flapped her large lifting into the air grabbing Chestnut in her talons before heading off to The Nemisis. "No!" Bumblebee shouted. "Ratchet we need a bridge," Optimus commed a ground bridge opened behind them. They walked through, some of them had their helms down.

"Where's Chestnut?" Ratchet asked, with Amethyst on his shoulder. One of the teardrops on her throat was dulled. "The other Predacon took her back to the warship. DreadWing got her with his sword," Bumblebee answered sadly. "So she's gone?" Rust asked walking in. Amethyst shook her helm tapping with her claw the teardrop shape that was starting to glow again. "Captured, not dead," she said. Everyone suddenly looked up at the sparkling. "How long has she been there?" Arcee asked. "Since this morning," Ratchet answered.
"What is her designation?" Optimus asked. "Amethyst, the future queen of the predacons," Lucky said walking in.

A/N: DUN DUN DUN!!! I know this chapter ends on a cliffhanger but no Lucky was not the PredaQueen. Anyway enjoy this chapter and I am working on the rest of the sparklings and this is BoneFeather! A beut' really.

 Anyway enjoy this chapter and I am working on the rest of the sparklings and this is BoneFeather! A beut' really

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