Chapter 15

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2 years later......

Madi POV

I looked in the mirror. Today was the day. I looked down at my beautiful white dress. The day i had tried it on in the bridal shop had been magical. I had known immediately that this was it. This was the dress I wanted to get married in. And here i am. Wearing it. Just a few moments before I walk down that aisle and say "I do." to the man of my dreams. 

Jessica came in, carrying Thalia. "Oh Madi! You look gorgeous!" Jessica said, beginning to cry. 

" cry, I cry so please stop." I said, smiling at her. 

"Oh, alright." She said, handing me my beautiful baby girl. 

"Mama." That was her favorite word. I couldn't believe everything was falling in place so perfectly. It almost didn't seem right, but it was. 

"Yes, baby. Mama's here. Are you ready to go down that aisle with Jessica and throw pretty flowers?"

"Yeh." I can't believe this absolute perfect little thing was my daughter. And I was right, Christian was a great dad. 

I didn't invite my parents to the wedding, they would only cause drama. Besides, if they didn't support this marriage then they had no place at the wedding anyway. 

Christian's mom walked in. "Its time to walk down, Jessica. Oh Madi! You look beautiful." I handed Thalia to Jessica and they walked out. Down the aisle. This was like a fairytale or something.

i saw my cue and began making my way down the aisle. This was the perfect venue. it was so beautiful. I looked up and saw Christian standing there at the end of the aisle, waiting for me. He looked perfect. Everything was just perfect. i began to tear up. I saw Justin standing beside him, giving me a thumbs up. i laughed a little but that eventually led to more tears. Jessica and Caitlin stood to the side of where I was about to stand. They were both crying, tears of joy I hope.

I eventually made it to the end, and I faced my soon-to-be husband. i could tell he had been crying too. All the words passed by my ears and through my mouth and i was barely paying attention to them. I was waiting for those last two words, where i could say "I do." and pledge my love to this boy for the rest of my life.

And then the time came. "Madi, do you take Christian to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"i do."

"Christian, do you take Madi to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

Christian leaned in and we shared the best kiss we had ever shared. It was the best kiss because now we could let loose and not be stressed about planning this thing. We had all the people who love and support us here today and thats all we need. Today had been wonderful.

Justin POV

i made my way over to Jessica, after everyone had left the ceremony and gone to the reception. "That was beautiful." She said. 

"Not as beautiful as you." I whispered in her ear, couldn't risk Madi hearing that or she'd go ballistic. 

"You're such a charmer." She laughed, pushing at my chest lightly. 

"And, YOU, are the only one i charm." I stated, crossing my arms. 

"Is that so? Well maybe I'm lying. Maybe you don't charm me." She crossed her arms too. i see how it is. 

"Now I really doubt that." i winked at her. 

"Oh, alright. You charm me. But you're such a tease. I'm going to get a drink." She said, walking away, but not before giving me that smile I love so much.

She came back a few minutes later, drenching wet. "What happened?!"

"Chaz and Ryan. They're so lucky I changed clothes." She turned around and gave a death stare to my frightened looking friends. "Who bring Super Soakers to a wedding anyway?" 

"Them, obviously. They're such doofuses sometimes, i'm sorry babe." 

"It's alright, I was kinda hot anyway."

i took that as an opportunity. "You're always--"

"Don't. Or I will shove cake in your face." 

Good old Jessica. Everything really had turned out perfect. i couldn't wait till mine and Jessica's wedding day. 

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