Chapter 13

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Madi POV 

Christian was taking me out to celebrate Caitlin's recovery. I was sort of nervous, because he was making a big deal out of the date. It was just dinner, right? The real celebration would be when Caitlin got back, I thought. But he's making a huge deal out of this one. So I went along with it. I was excited, but I wanted to know what he was planning. He told me after we got back from the hospital that he needed to run an errand. Ugh. This is frustrating. I hate surprises and he knew that. I think he just likes messing with me. Thats probably it. 

I couldn't decide what to wear. I didn't know if what he was planning was formal or casual so I was going to play a mixture. I picked out this short purple dress with uneven ruffles all down the front. I didn't want to wear heels because I didn't know where we were going, and I did NOT want to carry my shoes around all night, so I chose my black Toms. 

I walked downstairs and sat down on the bottom step. I checked my watch. It was 6:54. Christian was picking me up at 7:00. So he should be here any minute. 

I looked down. My 'baby bump' was starting to show. What was I going to tell my parents? Oh well. All I know is that I loved Christian and they could do nothing about it. As I was about to get lost in my thoughts, the doorbell rang. It was Christian. 

Justin POV 

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't stay AWAY from her. How could I do that to her? I thought...I thought it was going to be the start of something wonderful with Jessica. And now some mystery guy is taking it away? 

He was sitting on my bed. Just staring at me with that death glare. I was frozen. When had he gotten in here? He slowly rose from the bed, and I pushed down the urge to run. It was time to be a man. "Who are you?" I asked. 

"Your worst nightmare." He laughed. "Just kidding. That's a tad cliche. But I'm not exactly your best friend. And I have....a proposition for you."

I shuddered. Something about his voice just got to me and I didn't like it. 

"What do you want?" 

"So...I hear...that you are dating..Jessica." 

"What's it to you?" 

"Oh it's a whole lot to me. You see....I love Jessica. I still love Jessica. She may not know that...she's actually not supposed to know that. But, be that as it may, I still love her. Very much. And I do not appreciate you...seeing her." He almost whispered. He had gone on, telling me if I broke her heart he wouldn't kill me or Madi or Christian. I'm sorry but I wasn't going to risk my best friends lives for a girl, no matter how much I liked her. There was just no way. But i liked her A LOT. There was no getting around it. Oh what was I going to do. 

Jessica POV 

I had decided to go surprise Justin. He told me he would be at his grandparents in the morning, so thats where I went. I knocked on the door, and Mr. Dale opened. "Hullo, Jessica." He said smiling. 

"Hi Bruce. Is Justin here?" I said, smiling back at him.

"As a matter of fact he is. Come on in." I stepped through the doorway to find Justin walking down the stairs. 

"Hi Ju-" He walked right by me out of the door. "Um.."

Bruce was gaping at Justin's back. "I don't know what that was. Why don't you go talk to him?" 

So that is what I did. "JUSTIN." I yelled at the back of his head. He didn't turn around. "JUSTIN WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Still no response. WHat had I done? I began to cry. I liked Justin a lot. And he was doing exactly what I feared he would. Break my heart. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. "Fine. Break my heart." I said, under my breath, and stormed off. I didn't know where I was going but I didn't care anymore. 

Madi POV

We were driving for a while. I had no idea where we were going. Christian kept smiling at me real enthusiastically, and I couldn't help but laugh. He was just so darn cute. Finally the car pulled to a stop. "Where are we?!!" I just about squealed with excitement. 

He laughed. "You'll see! Calm down." He leaned in, pecking my lips, quick and chaste. I sighed. 

"Fine. You're just lucky I'm in love with you." I said, winking at him. 

"Oh really?" He said, winking back.

"Yes. Now take me on this date or you get no kiss at the end of the night." 

He feaux-gasped and and put his hand to his chest, "gaping". 

"Now thats just harsh." He winked at me and got out of the car, walking around to my side of the car, and opening the door. 

"But seriously," I said, as I got out. "What are we doing?!" 

I looked around. We were in some kind of grove of trees. I was glad I brought a jacket, it was cold as always. "Christian--" 

"Calm down. Follow me." 

I honestly thought it was just going to be dinner, but he sort of went all out. There were lights strung around the trees, and in the middle there was a picnic. The food looked delicious, and I was starved. 

He spread out a blanket on the ground for us to sit on and we dug in. The food was as delicious as it looked. Pretty soon after we started, we finished. I guess we were both hungry. Or maybe he was just rushed to do something. I don't know, but he seemed pretty excited. 

"Madi --" He stopped, looking into my eyes. "Madi, I love you so much. I know you know that. I just..I can't wait for our little girl or boy to be born so we can start our family. I just...its indescribable what I feel for you. Its like I can't put it into words. Let me show you." He got up and got down on one knee. 

Oh my god. He's proposing. 

Jessica POV

I threw everything back into my suitcase. Everything was already in the boxes. 

"Jess, I really don't understand why you have to go!"

"I just do, dad. I'm sorry." 

I could tell he was shaking his head. He didn't understand. The tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't help it. I'd had my heart broken twice in one month. I know it sounds stupid, like I'm overreacting, but truthfully I'm not. That's what it feels like. My heart is...broken. Its broken. All I wanted to do was to be able to trust again, but I just can't do it. Not after what happened. And Justin...he didn't even have the GUTS to tell me that we were done. That he wanted out. And that hurt ten times worse than Derek saying it to my face. 

And you know whats even worse? Derek never promised he wouldn't break my heart. Justin did. That...that just makes it worse. I didn't know what to say to my dad. He would never understand this. I thought maybe my mom would, back in New York, but she didn't. i should've known Canada wasn't going to be any better. It wasn't. At all.

--Skip Forward 2 days--

Little did i know, stepping on that plane was the best decision I'd ever made in my life.    

Justin POV

That was the hardest thing I'd ever done in my life. 

Christian POV 

We were getting married. We were really getting married. Wow. 

Caitlin POV

They were letting me out early. I decided I wasn't going to help Derek. I was going to turn him in for once and for all. No matter if I had slight feelings for him. Walking out of those hospital doors, made me feel free. I decided to walk home. I deserved it. This was going to be the start of something new. 

Derek POV 

I heard a knock on the warehouse door. I figured it was Caitlin, so I went to open it. Thats when I felt the cold metal of the handcuffs close around my wrists. She turned me in. I couldn't believe it. Maybe it was time for the game to end. Maybe this was a sign. The end to all my worries about Jessica. After all, she was just a girl. 

Jessica POV 

New York smelled terrible. But it was the smell I was craving. This felt like home. 

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