Chapter 3

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Jessica POV

I looked towards where Madi was pointing. We could see flashing lights and hear footsteps, crunching twigs in the woods. As the people stepped out of the trees, we could see they were police officers. 

"Hullo. Have you kids seen anything suspicious?" One of the many officers asked us. 

"No, we just got here. What are you looking for, officer?" Justin asked him. 

"Well, we got a report of a missing person, and the last place she was seen was at this park."

"Oh, if you need any help looking, just ask." Justin said, and you could tell he didn't really want to help, he was just being polite. 

"No, you all just get on home." He said, nodding towards the parking lot. 

We said our goodbyes and good lucks, and started walking back to the car. Everyone was silent. I looked over at my friends...Madi and Christian looked sad, and they were just holding hands and looking at each other, I could imagine what they were thinking. I couldn't bare it if anyone close to me disappeared. 

Justin was looking at the sky. It was a beautiful night. 

When I wasn't paying attention, I tripped and fell. Justin helped me up and I looked down to see what I had tripped on. It looked like a finger...sticking out of the ground.

I began to scream, I think I had just found their missing person. The police ran over to where I was screaming and pointing. They got down on the ground and began to dig. It was a good thing the grave was shallow, it didn't take long to get to the rest of the body. 

They gave the girl CPR, and eventually revived her! She just sat there crying and taking deep breaths. 

After we stood there in shock for a few minutes, two officers came and brought us to a bench and brought us blankets and water. They kept asking us what happened, but we were speechless. 

When they realized that we weren't going to answer any of their questions they left. And we were left to ponder in our thoughts. 

Stratford was never like this when I lived here before. It was this nice small town, where everyone knew everyone, and there wasn't much crime. And now...we just saw someone who was buried alive. 

I looked at Justin, and he looked at me. "Jessica, I am so sorry. You must hate me."

"I don't hate you. Nobody could've prevented that. Its not your fault."

"I am sorry though...." He said, putting his head in his hands. 

Madi and Christian looked at us, then looked at each other. They got up and went back to the car. Justin watched them walk away, he had this sort of determined look on his face. 

"Jessica, I don't care if its too early to say this but, I have feelings for you, there's just no getting around it." Did Justin really just say that? He was so sweet, and I think I have feelings for him too...but...

"Justin...I have feelings for you too. But something happened before I moved here." It was time to tell the truth.

"What is it? You can tell me anything, I promise." 

"Well, I was falling hard for this guy back in New York, and when I went to tell him, he broke my heart. And I've been sort of afriad to commit to things ever since, I'm afraid they will hurt me just like he did...that's the reason I moved up here to live with my dad. Seeing him everyday would make the pain worse." There. It was all out. 

"But, babe. I can fix up your broken heart! I can give you a brand new start!" That did sound nice....maybe we could give it a try. He was a really sweet guy, after all. 

"Okay, Justin. We can try it....but please promise me that you won't break my heart." 


Never say never, I thought to myself. 

We got up and walked back to the car, where Madi and Christian were waiting. When we got in the car, Madi had this devious look on her face. Like she knew something. 

"I knew it!! You two are dating! Just, why didn't you tell us?!" Madi said, proud of herself.

"Yeah, man, you could at least tell your best friends!" Christian, finally speaking up, said to Justin, playfully punching him on the shoulder. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about...Chaz and Ryan are my best friends!" Justin said, looking over his shoulder and winking at them. 

"We'll get you back for that." Christian said, and him and Madi started to kiss again. 

"Geez, you two. Get a room." I decided to ease my way into the playful banter. Justin looked at me, smiling. 

"See? You'll fit in with us just fine." He said. 

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