Chapter 1

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Jessica POV

Things weren't so bad in Stratford. I left before because my mom wanted to try raising me, but I've always been more of a daddy's girl. My dad had gotten some new neighbors, the Dales. They were this nice old couple, they always had people over. And, I think they had a grandson around my age, maybe older. But I wasn't going to be in a relationship for a while, not after what had happened with Derek.

School was the same as it was in New York...boring work, strict teachers. I hadn't made any new friends, and no one remembered me after 7 years. I remembered them though. I remember all my friends, and all my enemies. All the bullies, and all the popular kids. I was a nobody back then. I still was. 

I remember my first day. "Class, we have a new student. Her name is Jessica Lopez, and I hope you will welcome her." Their response was doing exactly what they were doing before, maybe one person made an audible grunt. Home sweet home, I thought to myself, and sat down. I put down my book bag on the floor next to my desk. As I reached down to get my books out, my hand met with another. I looked up, and I saw the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen in my life. They were like melted chocolate. I pulled my hand away and blushed. Wow.

"Hey, I'm Justin." The guy with amazing eyes, whispered to me.

"Hey, I'm, um..Jessica." I was in shock. He was looking at me, and I took a second to just look at him. He was perfect. His lips looked kissable, and his jawline was so straight.

"Um...I know. Hey, I don't want to be too forward..but, do you wanna hang out sometime?" He asked.

I had to be honest with myself here. Of course I wanted to go out with this mystery guy. He was perfect. But, was he like Derek? Was he going to use me, and hurt me in the end? I couldn't take the pain. My heart was still sore from two weeks ago.

"Sure, but just as friends." There, that was an easy way to get to know people, without getting hurt again.

"Oh...of course." He smiled at me, but you could tell he was kind of disappointed.

We made plans to hang out at his house after school. Well, at least I had one new friend.

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