Chapter 7

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*Disclaimer- there could be a possible trigger in this chapter to some readers. I also plan on it being the only one as it is important to the story*

Corey POV

After my talk last night with Chris I decided to go talk to colby and see if his feelings were the same. To my surprise he wasn't in his room so I decided to ask sam if he knew.

"Hey sam do you know where colby is?"

"No, is he not in his room? His car is still here."

"Not in room. Did he go out with Brennen last night?"

"No. Here I'll call his phone."

As I waiting for him to call I heard his phone ring in his room. He has to be home.

"I think I might know where he is now follow me."

Sam follows me down to Chris room and I slightly knock on her door to see if shes awake. After getting no response I signal for sam to be quiet as I open her door. With my suspensions being right I signal for sam to look. Him and Chris looked so peaceful while sleeping. They would be cute together. I closed the door since I'm guessing they were up late and went with Sam back to his.

"So Chris and Colby?" Sam questions in confusion.

"I know she likes him and I think he likes her. Ever since I sent him to get her I can see a difference in his mood. He looks happier when shes around and I can see shes happier too. I just hope everything works out and neither of them get hurt."

"I've noticed it to honestly and they seem to be getting close. As long as they're happy I'll be happy for them."

We sit in silence for a few minutes before Sam starts to speak up again.

"Hey Corey, this might be a something I shouldn't ask so you don't have to answer, but I've noticed marks on her wrist the other night.... does she... you know self harm?"

I sit in silence for a moment. I figured someone would notice eventually but  I also hoped they never would.

"I'm sorry for asking, you don't have to answer."

"No it's ok. Theres a lot you guys have yet to know about her. She will tell you on her own time but to answer your question, yes. She use to. She had a breaking point. Remember when Devyn and I took that trip to visit family?"

"Yea a few months ago? What's that have to do with this?"

"So if you remember we left really suddenly without notice in the middle of planning to all move in with each other, well Chris best friend Vic had called and said she was harming again. He was worried about her. Well when Devyn and I had got to vegas she went to talk to Vic while I went to see Chris. When I got to her apartment I found her passed out on her bathroom floor and blood was everywhere...."

"Did she try to..." I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"She said it was an accident when she woke up a few days later. That she didn't mean to cut to deep. I was so scared when I found her. I called 911 and devyn met me at the hospital with Vic. I thought I was going to lose her that night. It's one reason I wanted her to move here. I knew it would be hard to convince her so I waited till we got the house to ask."

"I'm sorry man. You should have told us. We could have been there for you and tried to get a big house sooner."

"I know. I'm just happy shes here now and she hasn't done that in a few months. And she actually looks happy here. I just hope when she doesn't get set back again when the anniversary of her parents death gets here or their birthdays."

"It will be ok, you have us all here."

"Don't tell anyone what I told you ok? I want her to think she told you guys herself when the time comes."

"Yea man no problem."

We continued to talk for a while more until devyn came to get me. It was dragqueen week at school so I'm going to her class so she can do my makeup. This will be very interesting.

It's been a few hours since I was home and I'm hoping Colby is home so we can talk.

"HEY COLBY YOU HOME!" I yell up the stairs trying to figure out where he is.

"IN MY ROOM!" He yells back to me. I go up there instead of making him come down so we can talk more privately.

"Hey Colby, I was wondering if we could talk?"

"What's up?"

"I just wanna know what your feelings are for Chris. I see you guys together and you both look happier but I just need to make sure your feelings are the same for her so she doesn't get hurt." He gets up to shut his door before continuing our talk.

"Honestly dude I think I'm falling for her. Since the moment I saw her on the facetime call I knew something was different about her. Then when I actually saw her in person it was like I knew shes the one I wanna be with."

"I'm happy to hear that Colbs. I dont want either of you getting hurt so I'm glad you both have the same feelings. Just please dont rush anything. I'd prefer for you guys to take things slow."

"Yea bro no problem. So she feels the same?"

"From my understanding yes. Just know shes been through a lot. I dont know how much you know but just remember I'll always be protective of her. Shes practically my baby sister."

"I know and I would never hurt her. I'm just glad you're ok with this. I want going to talk to you until I knew what her feelings were too."

"You're my best friend and of course I'm ok with it. If I had to choose anyone it would be you. If I didnt trust you I would have gone out there myself to get her."

"Good point. Well anyways thank you."

"You're welcome. Now I'm gonna go play rocket league."

I left his room and went to check on Chris before going down stairs. She was napping like usual so that was easy. Now to rocket league I go.

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