Chapter 1

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As I lay in my room not really knowing what to do I can't help but to play music and let my thoughts run free. I try to ignore most of them but it doesn't seem to be that easy today. Do you ever just feel so sad you don't want to do anything? Just lay there with sad music on repeat as the overwhelming urge to cry completely takes over? This is how I feel lately. I haven't told anyone this yet and I plan on keeping it that way. I've had this feeling before and only told one person about it. Besides it went away before so it should go away again right?

*bzzzzz bzzzzz*

My phone vibrates hard on the table next to my bed and brings me back to reality. I grab it to see who it's from.

From Primo Corey
Hey Prima. Haven't heard from you in a few days. You ok? Facetime me once you see this.

I can't help but to let out a slight smile knowing he's worried about me. I wonder why he wants me to facetime him since we usually just text. I turn down my music before clicking the facetime button on his contact. After two rings he answers.


I can't help but to let out a giggle at how he answered the phone.

"Hey primo? What's up? How's Devyn? And who were you yelling at?"

He's in a house I've never seen before so I'm guessing he's with friends. Devyn also pops up in the screen at the mention of her name.

"I'm good. Miss you Chris!" Devyn says before leaving the screen.

"Well as you heard she's good. She's getting ready to leave for class right now. Anyways I moved and wanted to know if you would come see my new house. I have four roommates and that's who I was yelling at BTW...."

"WE WERENT EVEN BEING LOUD!" Someone yells from the back cutting off Corey.

"BE QUIET GUYS IM TALKING TO MY COUSIN! Anyways so will you come?" Corey asks.

"I mean I can try but it might be a while. I'm currently trying to find a new place to live. I don't really want to be in Vegas by myself anymore."

"Is that why you've been distant?" Corey says with concern in his voice.

"Kinda. I mean things are just hard and I'm not feeling myself lately."

"I'll tell you what. Come visit me and I can help you find a place here if you like. I mean you will have me and Devyn so you won't be alone and you can stay at my house until we find you something."

I think about it for a moment before nodding my head. "Sounds like a plan.  I'll drive out there tonight and should be there by tomorrow morning at the latest. Then we can start out search Saturday. I have two weeks before I have to have all my things out."

"Great! Be careful. I don't like the thoughts of you driving out here by yourself so I'm going to send one of my roommates on the next flight out there to drive back with you." Corey says with a big smile on his face.

He's like the older brother I never had. We've been close ever since we were younger and he's always made sure to check up on me no matter what. We could be fighting and he will still make sure I'm OK.

"You don't have to send a friend Corey I'll be fine."

"Nope. I insist. He's booking the flight now. I just want you to be safe and I'd feel better knowing you have someone with you for the drive."

He's always been protective of me and it's gotten stronger ever since I lost my parents. That was a really bad year.

"Alright. Can I meet this friend right now? That way I know who to look out for."

"Yea one sec. COLBYYYYYY COME MEET CHRISTINAAAAAAA!!!! He should be down in a second. You and him have a lot in common so I felt he would be the best choice." Corey says.

Not long after an extremely cute boy is the screen with Corey. His blue eyes almost to die for.

"Hey I'm Colby. I should be there in 6ish hours."

"Hey Colby I'm Christina. And sounds like a plan." I can't help but to smile a bit when talking to him. I'm usually extremely shy but idk he's different then Corey's other friends that I've met.

Corey and I talk for a few more minutes as Colby goes to get ready. I decide I should do the same and say bye to Corey. After hanging up I sit there for a minute and think about everything that just happened. That's when realization hit me. "Holy fuck. I'm really leaving Vegas and moving to California." I say out loud to myself.

I start to back my suitcase with about a weeks worth of clothes and anything else I need. I decide to put my makeup and chargers and other miscellaneous things into a backpack for easier access. After I'm all finished packing I decide to take a quick shower and get ready for the drive.

After showering I throw my long black hair into a quick braid and go to my closet to find something to wear. After about 10 minutes I give up and decide on a pair of Nike joggers and a bullet for my Valentine tee with a long sleeve underneath. I put on a little bit of makeup just to not look dead look in the mirror to make sure I look OK.

I double check to make sure I have everything and hear my phone vibrate against the surface of my desk.

From Unknown
Hey It's Colby. Corey gave me your number but I just boarded the plain and will be there in 45 minutes. Want to meet me at the airport or want me to meet you at your place?

To Colby
I'll meet you there. I have to go to Walmart before we leave and it's literally next door to the airport.

From Colby
Ok sounds good. About to take off so see you soon.

I lock my phone without replying and put it in my pocket. As I start to take my stuff to the car I can't help but to think that this is actually happening. Just a few hours ago I was laying on my bed and now I'm leaving to California without any warning. I take one last look around my apartment to make sure I didn't forget anything before shutting of the lights and locking the door.

Here's to a new start and new adventures. Here's to Taking Chances.

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