Chapter 3

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I decide to take off my makeup, wash my face and brush my teeth before heading to Corey's and Devin's room. As I walked into the room they were sitting on the bed waiting for me. I already know what's going to happen so no reason to deny anything.

"How are you doing? I know you said things were hard. Is you anxiety back or depression?" Corey asks full of concern.

"Honestly it's both and it's so overwhelming at points that I want to cry. Being alone makes it worse."

"Well you're not alone anymore. You have me and Corey and Colby and the others. We are here for you." Devyn says reassuringly.

I go and hug them both. I don't know what I would do with out Corey. And Corey wouldn't be the same without Devyn. Not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for them.

"I love you guys so much and thank you for getting me to come visit and letting me move in."

"No problem Prima. It was my plan anyways. It's why we had enough rooms." Corey says with a chuckle.

"Awe that's sweet. Makes me feel loved." I can't help but to giggle a bit at my statement.

"Good. Now let's change the subject. How's Vic? I haven't seen him post at all lately. Is he OK?" Corey asks.

"Vic is great. He's in the army now. Just finished basic. We talk every now and then. I can't wait to tell him I live with you now. He's suppose to come home for his moms birthday so I'm pretty much counting down the weeks."

"That's amazing. I'm proud of him and happy he's always there for you when I cant be."

We continue talking about Vic for a while before Corey asks me if I still have the same plans to be a medic for the marines once I turn 18.

"Of course. I want nothing more. Now if only time could pass faster. Still have a whole year basically."

"True but I'm still extremely proud of you for that goal. And for that fact that you kept your shit together after everything went down. I know it was a hard 3 Years but not many people can say they got emancipated and graduated at 16."

"I just hope nothing gets in the way of me going to the military. I mean I'll always have my plan b of being a registered nurse but I would love to be military like Vic. He's so happy that he went."

Corey and I talk for what seemed like minutes but before we know it's already 10am and the guys are waking up. We talked about everything from how I've been feeling to my future hopes and dreams as well as his. Devyn fell asleep and Corey and I just talked. I missed this. I missed him. I missed Devyn. I missed being around family.

I decided to let Corey get some sleep and went to hang out with one of the guys. Sam was the first one I found.

"Hey Sam. Want to hang out? Get to know each other a bit?" I can't help but to be a bit nervous.

"Yea I'm so down. Do you mind if Colby and Jake come? We have a few things we need to do."

"That's fine. Gives me a chance to get to know Jake better as well." It's actually quite perfect. And I won't have anxiety since I already got to know Colby.

We discuss the details and I go to get ready. As I do my hair I can't help but to think about dying my hair. Maybe I'll get the stuff to do it today when we go out. After I finish my hair I quickly do my makeup and get dressed. I put on white jeans and a red sws muscle tank.

I somehow got ready before all the guys so I decided to look up hair dye ideas. After about 5 minutes of this the guys come down and we leave. While the guys did everything they needed to do we talked to get to know each other. Jake and Sam are actually pretty chill just like Colby said.

We eventually end up at a target somehow so I take this change to look at hair dye stuff. I tell the guys I would be back but Colby insisted on going with me since I don't know my way around. Since he was right I agreed and he led the way.

As I sat there looking at the colors I picked out two and had Colby choose.
It was between turquoise and and purple by manic panic. He choose turquoise like I was secretly hoping he would. We got two of them for safety measures as well as the things I would need to bleach my hair. I probably won't go it right away but I'm glad I'll have it for when I'm ready too.

As we were looking for the guys Colby started to play around and I couldn't help but to join. It was really more so playing then looking but we eventually found the other two. After paying for everything we got we went back home. It was still early ish but then again late at the same time so we all decided to watch a movie before calling it a night. Of course they chose a scary movie so I pretty much snuggled in between Colby and Jake since it was the only spot left. Colby on one end and Sam on the other we all managed to fit on the couch easily. It was perfect and I couldn't be happier that I live here almost officially.

Here's to taking chances.

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