Chapter 4

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After I eat up and I rest, the zombie-character explains his name is Tom. He told me about everyone; Sonja, Tucker, the priest, and Champwan, worship Mianite, the god of life. Tom, worships Dianite. They showed me the Priest's house, Tom's house, Tucker's base of operations, Sonja's home, and The Forest of the Abyss. Now that I was apart of this land, I needed to have a God to look up to. I had a feeling there was a certain god to worship, and Dianite or Mianite wasn't the God. Tom tried so hard to convince me to join his dark side, but it wasn't enough. "Dude, Dianite has everything! He's so cool! You'll regret it if you don't join!" I laughed, but it was convincing. "What about Ianite?" I don't know where that name came from, but I knew that was the goddess that I would worship.

"Ianite? No one worships her as of yet." Tucker said.

"Wait, there's an Ianite?" Tom shrieked in surprise. Tucker warned me that Tom liked to yell. . .a lot.

"Haha, Tom I'm surprised you didn't listen for once. Mianite said he has a sister. I wonder if you were meant to come up on shore to worship her. Mianite muttered under his breath that Spanklez need to hurry. Is that your nick name or something?" Tucker rambled on a little longer. Spanklez? How did Mianite know about that? I have to get to Ianite somehow, but first a house is mandatory.

Tom and Tucker's base are across from each other and the Priest's house was adjacent from Tucker's base, so it only made since to make a quadrant of bases.

Tucker showed me the snowy biome and we had a mining session for the next couple of days. I mined and began building my house. This adventure, I could tell, was going to be wild, calm, and especially violent.

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