Chapter 3

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I looked around, thinking it was another spider in my tree, and somehow a "thing" attacked me. It wasn't a creature I had seen before, and it had an iron sword. I was mad. How dare he interrupt my prayer to Jerry the Slime? He was fast, fast enough to pin me down. I flew away in my jet pack, but I brought him with me. We tustled on the ground. He cut off one of my wings to my jet pack. I retreated back to the tree.

In exhaustion, I retrieved my sword for I left it there, and I collapsed Man, that thing was fast. It finds me on the ground after climbing the tree back up. I could only resort to one last thing .I morphed into a bat, flew a safe distance, and then morphed back into myself. My armor flew off, broken. The jet pack blew up, causing my tree to start up in flames. I started battling this thing once more. What does it want with me? The thing didn't last long. I demolished him, but I soon fell off the tree knocking me unconscious. Luckly water surrounded the tree or I would have been gone.

I wake up with sand in my face and a zombie-looking character pulling me away from sea level.


I stood up and readjusted my glasses, "Hi?"

"Welcome your pretty face to the World of Mianite!"

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