Sangue Vero pt. 2

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"Ask that man you once called Father. " Patricia's voice kept echoing in my head, like a broken record I could not be rid of.

I was looking out the window,  staring at nothing in particular. I heard foot steps coming close, a tap on my back and I was handed a handkerchief.

I turned and stared at Angelo who had his hand out stretched with the piece of cloth on his hand.

"Best you wipe the blood off or its gonna be a bitch to clean off later. " he spoke in a kind-of concerned tone. I have yet to speak however,  I did take the damp handkerchief from his hand and wiped the blood off my blood stained hands.

"What information did you get so far? " he asked but I feel like he was interrogating me.

"Nothing. " I smoothly lied and was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm.

"It would be best for you not to lie dear. " his tone turned harsh yet I didn't falter. I shook his hand off my arm and walked away from him without a second word.

The past does truly intend to catch up with you in a certain part of your life. I thought I had already made peace with it however, it seems that he wasn't satisfied with it.

I kept to myself inside Luc's office, sipping on his favourite whiskey. Logan and Cassandra stopped by, one comforted me and tried to make me cry out all the emotions I was feeling while the other handled the ship in place of his brother.

Logan did a swell job, Michael said it was as if Luc was there.. (they had yet to know that the older brother is just like the younger one but worse)

People searched high and low for Luc,  the Don's provided their assistance and I am thankful for that but it doesn't mean we're going to be chummy chummy especially not Angelo.

I buried myself with work, never allowing myself to rest as I had no time for that - I had an empire to run,  a man to search for and a past I had turned my back on.

Closing my eyes, I remembered a part of me I called my childhood..

My mother brought me up without a father, never told me who he was or what happened to him.

Once my mother brought a man home - I was 8, she introduced him to me as a man who'd be my father. He was nice.. when he was sober.

It came to a point that every time my mother brought a man home and she tried to introduce them to me - I was never home. They didn't last long to remember or even matter. I lost respect for my mother,  watching her throw herself at them - serve them like they were above her when they treated her nothing more than a whore.

One man did leave an impression on me, he wasn't like the scums she brought home - No,  he was far from it. He wore a suit,  he was always clean, he drove a beautiful car however, he always had a gun tucked in the back of his pants.

He was nice, he treated me like his daughter.. he came to my life when I was 13 - he was there until I turned 16.

"Meine Liebste" he calls me in German, it means My Dear.. He looks at me with so much love while blood stained his face.

Tears were pooling and slowly trailing down my cheeks - he kneels in front of me and held my face in his bloody hands, wiping the tears away. My body shook in fear and trauma from what happened.

"Do not be afraid of me, mein kind ." he speaks with a heavy accent, the way he looked at me was different when he literally tore off that man's head off his neck with his bare hands.

Those cold..calculating, blood thirsty eyes, looked at me with worry and love.

"Papa.. " he smiled wide, turned his back on me and I never saw him again - I was surrounded by corpses that died either by a bullet on their head or getting dismembered..

Dieter Aldi, was very protective of his daughter.. That when a past lover of his mistress tried to rape her - he literally dismembered the man with his bare hands.

Opening my eyes, I had tears streaming down my face - I didn't want to live with my mother again and risk getting raped by whoever she brings home. I searched for papa.. But it was like he never existed, so I searched for my real father and ended up where I am now.

Now he's back but he has what is mine.. Did he know that Luc was connected to me? Does he even remember me?

A knock came and my secretary's small voice spoke.

"I'm done for the day Odele, please contact me through email or call from here on. I won't be coming in for a while. "

I had to be hands on with searching for Luc and to do that, I have to find my father first..

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