Baby Fever

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I woke up feeling groggy, running my hand through my messy hair I sat up rubbing my temples to soothe my aching head.

Looking to the right side of the bed he left nothing but a rose and a note:

Breakfast is in the kitchen
Liam x

And that is a perk of "dating" a chef, he cooks you dinner, breakfast and anything, anytime you want really.

Grabbing my phone, I sent a quick text to Derek who wanted to meet up in the Gym. I felt sore and that guy sure knew how to work me out all night.

Walking around my room as naked as the day I was born, the house phone rang making me groan and grab my robe. Who calls at 9am?


Grabbing the phone I heard someones voice who could make it brighter, my little nephews and niece. Mattheus and Cassius were greeting me good morning and little Eloise (yes they used my middle name) was giggling in the background.

"Good Morning Auntie!!!" The twins greeted enthusiastically. I heard Logan and Cassandra in the background too but I don't know if they are aware that their sons are calling me early in the morning.

"What's up pumpkins?" I asked while walking to my kitchen, true enough there was food on my table and as expected from Liam, he made a feast. Sometimes I think he wants me to get fat which I really don't mind since I'd most likely slay a curvy body.

"Hey auntie, Matt here. Uhm. You see Mom and Dad are going out of town and well they can't bring me and Cass along since its strictly business but I still don't get why Ellie has to go." I heard him grunt in the other line and Cass sighed taking the phone from his brother.

"Sorry auntie. Anyway I think you know where this is headed, right?" Cass asked unsure and I just hummed as though I was thinking what he was talking about when I knew all too well what these two had in mind.

"Yea, I got you. Be there in 30." Yes, auntie goals. I heard the two squeel in delight and end the call, most likely hubby and wifey were wondering why are the two howling in joy.

As I finished my breakfast, grabbed a pair of white jeans, a peach chiffon top and nude peep toe heels - I was off to my shower.

Getting ready for me wasn't really much of an effort. There are days I barely put any makeup on - like today - its just mascara, my brows on fleek, nude lipstick and foundation.

On my way out, my second phone started buzzing with messages as soon as I turned it on. Most came from Logan or Cassie's phone which entailed either Matt or Cass were texting me earlier than the phone call awhile ago.

Then I saw his name and I felt my stomach drop. Why did I have his phone number again? Oh yea.. 'cause I was such a pussy to delete it in the first place.

I read all other texts except his.

Getting in my car, I drove out of the parking lot and into the road. While driving, I thought of where would they want to go and what would those two want to do? While thinking of these my phone blared and of course I answered without thinking.

"Hello, Moira here."

"Finally she answers." He spoke, his voice deep as if he just woke up from sleep. Glancing at the time, yeah - he most likely just woke up now.

"Ugh. Its you." As soon as I said that I ended the call and sped up along the street.

My phone rang once more and looking down, I see it was him calling again. Seriously? How can he be sooo persistent after 2 years of not much to no contact?!

I ignored his call and set the "Do not Disturb" Mode on my iPhone. Stopping by Dunkin Donuts I bought the kids a few boxes of treats and when I say few I mean 6. 3 for each brother and well Eloise just takes a bite and is done with her food
After doughnuts, I drove back to my original destination which was the Black's house.

The wrought iron gates were close and immediately opened up as soon as the guards spotted my car coming.

"Morning Ms. Genovese!" Jared greeted from the guard house and I honked at him while I drove through the long driveway these people had.

Parking recklessly next to Logan's brand new Lamborghini, I hopped out with my boxes of Doughnuts. Bumping my butt against the slightly open door, I walked in like I owned the place.

"Kids! I'm here!!" I heard screams and laughter coming down fast. The twins came racing towards me with big smiles on their faces.

"Auntie Moi!!!" I beamed and set the boxes aside before crouching down and letting myself get tackled.

"Figured they'd be calling." Logan spoke coming down the stairs with a couple of luggages, Cassandra was trailing behind him with little Eloise in her arms -sucking on her little thumb.

"Hey Moira." She called out and smiled at me.

"Hey!" I waved and little Eloise gurgled and giggled.

"And I wondered why those two were packing some clothes." Logan dropped the luggage on the floor and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Well I had an alarm clock wake me up earlier, asking for a pickup." I smirked and looked at the two who was looking around except at us.

"Sorry Moira, we would bring them bu-" I shook my head while Cassandra tried to explain.

"No explanation needed, I am just glad I can watch over these two." I ruffled both their hairs while they ate a box of doughnuts I bought them.

"Why don't you just settle down? So that you can have your own and these little ones will have playmates along with Izabelle. " Cassandra brought it up.. yet again. I looked at her then at Logan who shrugged making me groan.

I swear, these two will be the death of me.

"I just.. I don't feel like its the right time for me to settle yet..." I trailed off and the couple looked at each other then at me.

"Moira.. I'm just worried about you doll. We're not getting any younger and certainly you're no exception. Its just.. you're turning 30 soon and.." Cassandra looked at me with a pained smile and I sighed, I knew that..

"I know.. its just, let me do this on my own pace. Okay? I'll warm up to it sometime." I gave her a reassuring smile and she smiled back.

Yes, this conversation about me settling down has been an occurring conversation for them and I. Ever since my father's passing a few years back, Logan took it upon himself to be the elder brother in my life and his parents treated me like their own daughter.

As much as I love Gerald and Felicity, it was still different when it was my own Father who took care of me. After a fall between my estranged mother and I, I ran away and well tried to survive in the streets until I found my father. It was no easy task especially for a teenager who barely had anything. I spoke with my mother's relatives and old friends whom I still kept in contact with regardless that my mother burned the bridges with them.

They led me to him, the one man I never thought would be my father.

"Well since we're all packed and running lets get this show on the road. I'll have these two fattened up for you by the time you come back." I smiled and the two looked at their parents with big smiles. I was warming up to the idea of having kids.. especially when I have these two and Izabelle (Darcy's kid) who made me want my own.

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