this is a new day a new beginning

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This is it, the final chapter! I really hope you like it, cause I've got some big plans for it! I made the edit for the chapter picture, and it symbolises something which I will explain at the end of this chapter 👍 enjoy 😁

After the much larger ghost crew had decided their future, Gregor and Ezra got treatment from the medical droids. Ezra didn't take 20 minutes, but his jacket was still ruined. However, there were a few rebel soliders who were able to fix his jacket. There were 3 of them in total, and one of them was in the room where Mon mothma was shut down by Ezra, and they all decided to meet them in the medical center later on that same day. Gregor took a few hours to get fixed up, and while his treatment was undergoing the three troopers arrived to help Ezra.

Trooper #1: captain Syndula?
Hera: yeah.
Trooper #1: we saw that one of your crew had some clothing ready for repairs. We would like to donate our time to help of that's ok.
Ezra: you can fix clothing?
Trooper #3: yep. When we joined we didn't quite like fighting on the front lines, so we offered to repair clothing and armour for injured soliders.
Hera: that's great. How long would it take to fix his jacket?
Trooper #2: not long. An hour, maybe two at most. We'll have to remove the damaged area, and replace it with existing material, and make the repair unnoticeable.
Ezra: I'm fine with that. I can tell you know what you are doing.

Ezra then took his orange jacket off, which left his orang/yellow T-shirt underneath. "Thank you" Ezra said to the troopers "no problem. We'll keep you updated regularly" on of the troopers replied, then they walked to their quarters and got to work. Not long after the medic droid treating Gregor have some good news. "The patient is recovering very well. The damaged tissue is repairing fast, and he should be ok to leave soon" the droid informed the crew. "Can't wait" rex replied.

Time passed quickly and everyone was slowly discussing their more focused rolls on the rebelion. Hera decided they should stay as a crew when they went on missions, but also to help the rebelion with their key skills. But before they could any further, Gregor awoke from his treatment. "Have I missed anything? If so please let it be unimportant hehe" Gregor said while still keeping a smile on his face as usual. "Nothing much, after you were put to sleep we were just discussing about us sticking together during assignments from the rebelion" Wolfe replied also a smile on his face, which was a common sight. Wolfe and Rex then helped their bother up and were asking how he felt. "You ok?" Rex asked. "Never better captain" Gregor replied. "Not in pain?" Wolfe also asked "nope, not anymore hehehaha" Gregor humourously replied. Afterwards he slowly stood up and was back in his feet again. "I would advise to have a short rest before you leave" the droid advised. "Ok, I will" Gregor replied.

Gregor took a 10 minute rest, and was clear to go by the droid. Everyone then walked out with some rebels wishing them the best on their new journey in their life. They walked to the landing site, but Hera went to see how Ezra jacket was doing. "How is it going?" Hera asked. "We've removed the damaged material, which was quite big, and we've found the same type of material to replace it, so we're in the process of colouring it, and then sticking it together and making it look like nothing had happened" one of them replied. "That's great. We're going outside to the landing site now, so let us know when you finish it" Hera kindly asked. "We will" another replied. Hera then walked outside to meet up with everyone else. "Well, we've finally got done time to ourselves! It will be night soon, so do what you want but meet back here when the sun goes down!" Era informed everyone, then they all split up and went in different directions for some peace and suite while it lasted.

Everyone split into groups. The clones went off a a group. Kallus, ketsu, mart, Zeb and Hondo went off as a group. Ezra went off on his own, which Sabine saw and was a bit concerned. She looked at Hera, and her parental figures nodded at her as if to say "go to him" which she did. She walked after him and to be safe Hera asked chopper to keep an eye on them, so that they're ok after all they've been through today. Finally the parental figures walked off and everyone had some time to reflect on today and their future in the rebelion.
(Clones' conversation)

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