"family reunion" and liberation

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This is it! The chapter that covers the finale...it's going to be a challenge. Bring it on 😂 hope you enjoy this extra long chapter. (Some parts I'll skip, which you'll see in the chapter, so I can save a bit of space plus they wouldn't change).

After their victory over Pryce's forces, they use her to their advantage in getting into the capital city of lothal. Even though Thrawn was on his way back, they didn't need an army to beat him all they needed was to think fast and put their heads together for whatever he threw at them when he arrived. Ezra was in the gunner seat in the ghost looking at a hologram of his family portrait, finishing what his parents started.

Ezra: mom. Dad. I know what I have to do now. But, I'm afraid. Not for me, for my friends.

At this moment Hera and Kanan walked up underneath Ezra.

Ezra: they fight do hard, given soo much and helped me understand why you stood up to the empire and made the sacrifices you did. I wish you could meat my new family, all of them. I guess in some way you will be with us today, when I finish what you started. I want you to know everything I've done and will do, began with you.

Hera: Ezra.

Kanan: come on. They're bringing here up here.

Ezra returned to is normal self, and walked outside to greet pryce and to reason with her.

Pryce: you discust me traitor.

Kallus: the day I betrayed your empire governor, was the day I finally stoped betraying myself.

Pryce: you've given up years of service, a promising career and prestige. For what? To join a band of failures, you don't stand a chance.

Ezra: I think otherwise! Especially with your help.

Kanan let Ezra take control, to see how much of a leader he's become.

Pryce: *laughing* I will never help you.

Ezra: errr yes you will. It will be your last act as governor of lothal, you're finally going to do your job and free your homeworld.

Pryce: I will do no such thing.

Ezra: Ok. If that's your choice. *Whistle*

From behind a Loth wolfs was ready to have Pryce for dinner, so this would change her mind. As she saw it she became the prey for once, with her life hanging by s thread.

Ezra: or. You can transmit the Victory code, and then we can fly to the capital as your prisoners.if the odds are against us are as bad as you say, what do you have to lose?

Pryce: fine! I'll do it! Just call of your dog!

Kallus: it's a wolf governor, get it right.

The whole team, minus Wolfe, mart and Vizargo who stayed behind for further orders, flew in gunships towards the capital with their plan in action.

Gregor: I dunno about this plan Rex.

Rex: I'm my experience, when it comes to Jedi, the worse the plan the better the result.

In the other gunship Ezra and sabine had a quick conversation before they landed.

Sabine: hey, you ok?
Ezra: I know I can always count on you.
Sabine: alright what are you up to?

Kanan: we're approaching the capital. *On com*
Hera: better get ready. *On com*

Sabine: copy. Head for platform Zero Delta.

Pryce: the command centre? They're going to attempt to launch the dome. You're plan is worse than I thought.

Ezra: bolder. You mean bolder than you thought.
Sabine: more creative than you thought.
Kallus: now about those landing codes. And remember, I'll know if they're correct.
Pryce: *anger filled* gladly. The sooner we land the sooner you will be my prisoners.

(SWR AU Story Number 62) They are are a crew, a team and a familyWhere stories live. Discover now