Chapter 4

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Dedicated to: JustOneOtherGirl for being such and amazing and dedicated reader, and for being so supportive of my writing.

Sorry for the really long delay on uploading this chapter, had tonnes of school work to do :(

Anyway, hope you enjoy it! :) - comment/vote/fan? :)


I stumbled through the darkness, tripping over stones that were rooted in the sticky mud on my way to the place where Josh had told me to meet him. Excitement pulsed through my veins and it felt as if nervous butterflies were beating their fragile wings frantically against my stomach. The words of the letter drifted through my mind once more, urging me on. Stray branches snatched at my ankles like desperate hands, clinging tightly to me and trying to pull me down. The gooey mud clogged my shoes, and soggy leaves stuck to my clammy skin and tangled themselves in my wild hair.  

As I neared the bottom of the winding path I broke into a sprint. The wind howled loudly in my ears like the echo of a wolf’s cry and made my nose and cheeks numb with cold. In my haste, my foot dropped into a large, murky puddle, flooding my already filthy boots. I cursed as I felt the water sloshing and squelching with every step I took as I scampered around the corner of the dining hall building.

I leaned back against the rough grey stone, gasping for breath. I swiped my hand across my forehead, brushing away the tiny beads of sweat that clung to the skin. The moon cast an eerie shadow over the rustling trees and bathed me in its pale glow.

A warm hand slithered its way into mine. Shocked, I whirled around, but my breath caught abruptly in my throat and dissolved my small, terrified scream as I stared into his stunning eyes. He was overwhelmingly gorgeous.

“I’m glad you came.” He whispered, his soft lips brushing lightly along my ear and cheek. My heart raced faster and hammered heavily against my chest. He gently tugged on my hand, leading me down a flight of jagged stone steps and into a small basement.

The door swung open with a creek loud enough to wake the dead. I shuddered but allowed Josh to drag me into the room. A thick grey sheet of dust smothered the floor and canopies of cobwebs dangled from the grimy walls. I cowered away from them as Josh guided me towards a small wooden bench across the room which had been veiled with a bulky blanket.

We perched on the edge of the seat, starring into each other’s eyes. I could barely contain my happiness. I was here, all alone, with Josh. I had longed to be alone with him. He was so irresistible. A grin formed on my face as I watched his lips curl into a perfect smile.

“I can’t stay away from you anymore.” He admitted, his green eyes bursting with trust and passion. 

I smiled gleefully, but it faded within seconds as visions of a glittering ring on my enemy’s finger invaded my mind. “But you’re engaged.” I replied. I wanted to accept his sweet words, cherish them; but it was impossible. My voice was a barely audible whisper from the growing disappointment.

Josh sighed loudly and ran his hands through his hair, making his curls ruffled. He looked distressed and uncomfortable. Many agonising minutes of silence passed but finally he said, “I don’t love her Alice. I thought I did but then I met you. I can’t be without you.”

He paused to peer uncertainly into my eyes which glistened with tears before pulling me to him. I melted into him, letting his warmth comfort me. “I’ll sort this out.” He promised. “We can’t be apart. I need to be with you.” He reached out and stroked my cheek soothingly with the back of his hand. “I love you.” He murmured softly. My heart absorbed his words and every inch of me felt content. The desire to be with him burned stronger.

“I love you too” I confessed.

He leaned in closer, his firm hands gripping my waist gently as he pressed his lips tenderly on mine. The touch of his lips made my mouth sizzle and my body shiver pleasurably. My hands clenched around his shirt and I pulled him into me, never wanting this moment to end.

Eventually I was forced to drag my lips of his to take a breath. I cuddled up to him and sat cocooned in his loving embrace, the only sound was that of my rapid breathing slowly subsiding. This moment was perfect. I breathed a sigh of contentment as Josh’s hands caressed my face and neck, sending joyful quivers through my skin.

But our perfect moment was soon disrupted by creaking of floorboards above us and the hurried whispers of voices. Josh looked at me wide-eyed, my frenzied panic reflected all over his face. He seized my hand and tugged me up from the bench, whisking me across the room and up the steps back into the cool night.

We sprinted all the way across the grounds, hand in hand, our feet heavily pounding the concrete. My heart was aching painfully with fear and my hair lashed out at the darkness.

When we reached my dormitory block I leaned against the wall, trying to steady my speedy, uneven breathing. I peered up at Josh through my long lashes, unable to keep myself from smiling despite the still-present panic. A second later his lips crashed down on mine again, the pleasant burning sensation back. He ran his hands through my knotted hair, clenching it tightly in his fists. My hands wrapped tenderly around his neck and I dissolved into him.

Every inch of me wanted him; his touch, his kiss, everything.

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