chapter 14

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 Sunlight streamed through the window of our room lazily, hitting my eyelids softly, making everything a red colour; forcing me to wake up. I rolled off to the side with a loud yawn, nothing that had happened to me at the center of my mind. Honestly I was craving cereal. Suddenly it hit me, everything that had happened to me, to charlie, suddenly I was painfully aware. 

   I glanced over to her quickly, but when I saw her face relaxed and eyes shut I relaxed too. She was even smiling softly, off in her own dreamworld. At least one of us could be. I sighed loudly and made my way to the bathroom, dragging some clothes and a towel with me. 

   The hot water ran down my back washing the last of the grime away and alerting my senses. I took my time running the bubbles through my hair, not in any real rush. Soon I climbed out of shower and into the steamy room where I changed into a top, jeans and a hoodie and towel-dried my hair. When I re-entered the bedroom Charlie was hunched over, her head rested in her palms and her halo glowed strangely bright, flickering slightly. 

   "You okay?" I asked cautiously. She mumbled something about a headache before looking up, her eyes wide and focused above my head. She recoiled, jumping back onto the bed, pushing herself against the wall. I frowned. She shook her head, body shaking. "Charlie what's wrong? What happened?" I asked frantically, raising out my hand cautiously towards her, yet she only shifted further away.

  "I-I-" She stuttered. "I must be hallucinating or something... that... that's not..." She fumbled.

  "What is it? What do you see?" I asked still utterly confused, sure of some kind of trick to her brain.

  "I- I see horns." She finished. My face went blank, my arms dropped to the side. The words rung in my ears as I felt everything crumble bellow my feet. She called my name i think, but I wasn't listening anymore. I breathed shallowly as I sat down on my bed across the room to her. I pulled my hand into a fist subconsciously on my lap as a I stared down, avoiding eye-contact.

  "Rina? Rina what the heck is going on? Are you okay?" She was speaking to me loudly, yet still keeping her distance. I didn't blame her. Although I had only seen then once in Hades library, I knew how horrifying they were. 

  "Charlie..." I start, unsure how to form the meanings into words into sentences. I looked up at her, she was staring at me with concern painted across her perfect face. "I haven't been totally honest with you, and I really should have said this sooner but you were so nice, and I was so... me. I thought, i don't know, maybe I could just pretend and it would all go away." I felt my voice break, but i ignored it. 

  "Rina what's this about? What on earth dose this have to do with hallucinations?"

  "You're not hallucinating, Charlie. You were hurt and... the angel said he would heal you." I sighed. "Do you remember what happened last night? In the alleyway?" I asked, looking at her in the eyes. they widened with realization, as if the memories were hidden to her. 

  "I was dying? But that makes no sense... I should be dead? Rina what the hell? Why are'nt you explaining anything, it's like your just making stuff up." She said, eyebrows furrowed. It was hard to miss the hurt in her voice.

  I shook my head, getting straight to the point. "You're an Angel. I've known since the day you hit me with that door because I'm a Demon, meaning I can see your halo. You arn't hallucinating because when Gabriel healed you he fixed the part of your brain that let you use your Angel eyes." I tensed my muscles.

  "WHAT?" She half-yelled. She was standing up now, towering over me with her small body.

  "It's true!" I said, panicked.

  "Why would you think that it was okay to keep that from me!?" She screeched at me. "You think it's okay to lie to my face and play friends? Didn't it once cross your mind that maybe i would have liked to know?"

  "I-" I didn't have anything to say. She shook her head.

  "Rina don't give me any crap that you thought it was for the best. You would have let me die not knowing." She looked away from me, grabbing a clean pair of jeans a a t-shirt. she look so unbelievably... sad. Hopeless, broken. The worst part was knowing I caused it with my stupid, stupid actions. "I thought we were friends, more than..." her voice cracked. "More than that maybe. But for that we needed to be honest with each other." She opened the large door and stared at it a second. I raised my hand, trying to grab onto hers as if it were the lifeline i needed, but she harshly ripped it away from my touch. She didn't look back at me, too angry to even glance. Or maybe she didn't want to have to look at the horrific horns that reached out from my head in a soft red-ish glow. 

   "Where are you going?" I manage to get out, my voice small and broken. 

  "Becky's room. Don't follow me." The door slammed shut loudly, and I was alone. 

AN/ Sorrrrrrrrrry x| it's real short but there's nothing else here so you got to just have this. It's better than nothing, right? right? Talking of nothing I haven't really been updating this thing for a while but yeah it's still here. I just wanted to work on the plot a bit because the ending atm is pretty much "?????????" for a couple chapters. there's quite a bit left of this to go and i have 6 weeks so hopefully i can actually get some stuff done. byeeeeeeeeee.

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