chapter 4

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  The sun had been up for almost an hour now. I had pulled myself out of the confines on my bedding and showered: Another new experience for me, this one i quite enjoyed. With it being August the during the day the sun was warm, no as hot and sweltering as my home but the water was still refreshing to the skin. I had dried my hair and brushed my teeth in the bathroom and had already returned to the bedroom to change into the thick mandatory skirt and shirt. I had left the blazer on my bed seeing no use in it while the sun burned the Scottish landscape. Apparently such warm weather was rare in the Northern country. 

  Charlie was not so prepared for the day. In fact she was sound asleep despite the loud piercing sound coming from her clock next to her bed that had been sounding for the last half hour. The sound didn't bother me particularly, I was used to this type of torture. The thought occurred to me that maybe the sound had been set to wake her. That, would make sense. I had been pondering it's purpose for a while now and  I decided that the best course of action would be to wake her.

  I approached her bed and shook her shoulder lightly yet she didn't stir. "Charlie, Charlie wake up. I need you to turn the sound off." I said slowly. I rolled my eyes slightly at her lack of response. I shook her shoulder again but with more force, trying not to injure the sleeping angel. This time she made a soft groan and patted my arm slightly before rolling back over. I let out a sigh and grabbed my pillow from my bed. "I guess were doing this the hard way..." I said before hitting her over the head with my pillow repeatedly. 

  She made more groans and pulled herself up, making a grab for the pillow and throwing it across the room. "Okay, okay. I'm up." she grumbled half asleep. she rubbed her eyes with her fist to remove the sleep riddling her sockets and let out a long yawn. "What's that noise?" 

  "The clock wont be quite. Make it quite." I demand.

  "You mean my alarm clock?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. I felt heat rush to my cheeks for a second as a I realized that alarm clocks were most likely a normal part of life. she reached across and pressed the large red button on top of the 'alarm clock'. "how long was that on?" she asked, more awake now.

  "approximately 36 mins."

  Her eyes widened and she nervously glanced at the bright red numbers displaying "8:36" proudly upon it's face. She struggled out of her bed cocoon, tripping slightly on the covers but regaining balance as she charged for the bathroom across the room. She slammed the door behind herself and i heard the sound of a toothbrush hitting a sink and the tap turning followed by running water. 

  I walked up to the bathroom door and knocked lightly. "Are you going to be long?" 

  "Rina just go to breakfast i'll be down in like fifteen minutes." she yelled through a mouthful of toothpaste. I nodded my head, despite her not being able to see me.

  I swung open the large door to our room and pulled my school-provided rucksack over my shoulder, double checking that i had my room key in the back pocket of the bag. The bag was plain black and only had two compartments but that suited me just fine. Most pupils had their own bags in bright colours with difference designs and badges upon them but I did not feel the need for this. I ran my fingers through my loose dark-red hair sub-consciously as I walked, my mind still racing with being immersed in this odd environment. 

  Just then one of the doors on my floor swung open as i passed, fortunately i was out of it's path this time around. However, the girl from the room ran out quickly and directly at me while smiling at a small bright screen and ran straight into me. I didn't budge but she stumbled backwards, and her glowing block went flying towards the wall.  The screen instantly shattered at the impact and the girl just stood, gawking at the mess that had once been in her hands. She turned to me and stared at me directly in the eye with an expecting expression. 

  "Well?" she demanded with a stomp of her small foot. I recognized her from somewhere. Then it hit me, she was one of the girls from the table of 'Populars' that Becky had informed me of yesterday. She had bleached blonde hair and a thin frame. Her skin had a orange tinge and her lips were an unnaturally pale colour. She crossed her arms over her partially unbuttoned shirt and was tapping her pump-covered foot. 

  "Well what?" I asked in an annoyed tone, sending a glare at her. 

  "Pick. It. Up." she said with a fake smile, matching every other thing about her. I had no problem with her style or attitude, even though it may seem that way. She could do whatever she wanted, I didn't care. But to expect me to go out of my way for her? a snotty, dribbling human? 

  "How about you get it yourself." 

  "Do you even know who you're talking to??" she demanded, offended.

  "No I don't, and I honestly don't give two shits so don't bother telling me."

  "MY NAME, is Tasha. and you'd-"

  "Are you deaf, or do you have your head too far up your own hole that you can't hear me. I. Don't. Care." I snap back before she could give me a meaningless threat.

  "Your going to make a very powerful enemy here. Pick up the phone and i'll forgive you, 'kay?" She sneered, the corner of her lips flinching before resting back into a glower.

  "I'd rather jump back into the pits of hell than do anything for you." I finish before walking away. 

  "BIG MISTAKE." I heard her squeal as i walked away. I was making friends already.


  I reached the cafeteria and swung the large metal doors. A few heads turned but my presence went mostly unnoticed. I wasn't surprised. I wasn't particularly hungry so i did not join the long queue of tired, grumpy pupils so instead I found Charlie's friends and sat with them.

  I got the feeling that I was going to spend allot of time with these people as I found no other people even vaguely interesting. As I sat down A few murmurs of "hi" were directed at me and a slow "mornin'" from Frankie. As it turns out Becky and Mathew were discussing some si-fy show about a Doctor guy who traveled in time or something, but as I knew nothing about it I tuned out. I was watching people moving around the cafeteria, some girls wearing black makeup and chokers sat a one table, much brighter dressed kids sat at the opposite side of the room and occasionally snarled at the dark table. Some kids with acne and large frame glasses sat together as well as a group of kids in beanies and similar glasses- ironically. I noticed as the girl from the hall way - whose name i'd already forgotten - walked in at least one person from each group turned their head, excepting the dark table. In fact, even as she threw her broken phone at the table causing a loud noise not one head turned. Only when she pointed at me while discussing our meeting with a blonde jock from the table did one girl turn her head, at me. She gave my a sympathetic look and her eyebrows furrowed, as did mine. I shrugged at her to show that it was a long story that I didn't care much for. She rolled her eyes and smiled slightly as she turned to face her table. Taking the queue I turned back to my table.

  "Dude, what did you do?" Frankie asked, suddenly alert. I hadn't noticed that most people in the room had began to look at me.

  I shrugged. "Some girl walked into me and smashed her 'phone' in the wall and i refused to pick it up." i said as casually as possible. 

  "Whoa, you should have picked it up..." He said, shaking his head.

  Almost as if on schedule, Charlie glided through the large doors saving me from carrying on the conversation. She seemed to have a habit of that.

  "Hey, did I miss anything?" she chimed.

AN/ charicters and story line are happening in this universe while an english essay is not happening in mine. On another note my creative writing essay thing was given a level 4 and is going to be used as an example in the future, which is pretty cool. (I just wanted to update whomever may be reading this on my life for whatever reason) ♥

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