chapter 10

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  We sat together picking at the greasy food before us. i had only ordered fries and barely ate them. I wasn't particularly hungry but that wasn't why i didn't eat. It was what Becky said, or hinted at. Was there something I didn't know? I trusted Charlie completely to tell me if there was anything, which is odd. I shouldn't trust her, she's an angel for hell's sake!

  But I couldn't help trusting her, as if her being oblivious to it make her any less of an angel. I needed to breath.

  "You not hungry?" Frankie asked while devouring chicken in a manner that reminded me of some of the more vicious demons.

  "No, not really." I said, avoiding some truths.

  "Hey why don't you go check out the book store before we leave?" Charlie suggested with a warm smile.

  "This place sells books?" I asked enthusiastically, unfamiliar with how common books seemed to be here.

  "Yeah over there," She said pointing, "and we'll come get you when we're done." she said.

  "Okay." I said standing awkwardly. "See you soon!"

  The shop had a basic styled set up, with a small check out, shelve on shelve of book and a small area of beanbags for reading. The place was rather empty, only a small amount if people were walking around minding their own business. I walked over to some shelves near the bean bag area and pick a random one out before sitting down and attempting to read. It was called "The Fault in our Stars" by what I assumed to be a man called John Green.

  "You'll love that one, it'll make you cry buckets." A voice called from over my shoulder. I turned around to see an unfamiliar girl with short black hair, wire framed glasses and a sharp angler jawline. "Oh I know you, you're the one who pissed off Queen Tasha!" She smiled in recognition.

  "Oh, you were in the cafeteria." I said finally recognizing the odd girl.

   "Yeah, what did you do to her anyway? All sorts of rumours are going around." she said, positioning herself onto the beanbag opposite. 

  "She walked into me and broke her phone, I refused to apologize because it wasn't my fault. I'm not sure why she got so mad." I answered blatantly. In hell people never apologize, I assumed it was the same here. It appears I was wrong.

  "You have allot to learn my friend." she smiled. "Here," she said passing me a dark book, "you'll love this one."

  "Thanks." I said gratefully.

  "Any time my friend. Do you you mind If I ask you a question?"

  "Go ahead." I said.

  "What's up with you and Charlie?"

  I felt my face pull into a frown at the question. "What do you mean?"

  "She's had trust issues for as long as I can remember, we used to be friends before something happened to do with her parents?" She asked and I shrugged, not wanting to spread rumours about the little angel. "Anyway it took her forever to make friends again with Becky and that, then suddenly she's really close to you so I was just wondering if you were, you know, childhood friends or cousins or whatever." She was close to me? I hadn't noticed, but suddenly I remembered how she shyed away from crowds and didn't talk to anyone outside of the circle, and how giddy she was the day we met and helpful. I remembered her grasping my hand tightly whenever a larger group passed by and how she dug her shoulder into mine to avoid people.

  But it made no sense, why would she trust me of all people? The more people tried to tell me the more confused I got.

  "Um, no we met last Monday actually." I managed to say through my thoughts.

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