Chapter 7

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The North is different it's not ice cream and lollipops like South of the tracks.


"Yes Cole what's wrong," I look into the eyes of my second Cole their laced with fear. The whole family thing Chance's gang got going on is amazing but, the family atmosphere runs pretty thin around hear. Just thinking about her makes me forget about Cole.

"Sir there's a fight in the dinning hall," Cole says
" seriously it's the third time this week and it's just Wednesday." I get up from my seats and finish the last of my drink sitting on my desk and walk out the doors of my office with Cole on my tail.

The dinning hall isn't as glamorous as it sounds their some tables moved around the room with some fold up metal chairs pushed up to them. As leader I found an old school that the upper class built but, once they found out where they built it wasn't the most safest place to raise their children they moved out fast. Leaving this abandon school to the bank which I bought for a reasonable price. You ask with what money well theirs a system anyone who wants to be apart of my gang must pay kinda like taxes but, they get a home, 3 meals a day, and some what of protection. There is always a flaw with these kinds of resources comes the bad as in the robbers, druges, rapist, and sometimes even murders. So fights are kinda hard to prevent.

In the middle of the hall is a group off people formed around two guys beating on each other. "There," Cole points across the room. I walk closer to the fight moving people out of my way which wasn't hard because they kinda scattered like fly's when I walk in the room. One of the men has the other pinned to the ground I pull the collar of the one on top dragging him to his feet before punch him multiply times in the face sending him back to the ground again. Then I motion Cole to grab the one on the floor and we drag their buts outside to parking lot. We give them a betting to remember making sure they don't show there faces inside till mourning.

I go back inside to my desk looking at the picture of Chance and me when we where at the tracks taking shelves. She's amazing I love the way she can make me act like somebody different not the guy who beats up people in the parking lot. truthfully the only way to get people to listen is to be the person everybody fears and listens to. Everybody thinks that's who I am but, not Chance she see's the good not just in me but everyone. I'm scared to show her that part of me though.

my thinking was interrupted by a girl leaning against the door she has light brown hair and black skinny jeans with a gray t-shirt on. I knew I've never meat her before She straitens her back when she catches my gaze.

" you must be Blue," a look of approval crossed her face.

"And you are.''

"Not important and I have some information you might like,"

"OK what might that be."

"a way to take down the South. You see there's been a problem and my gang is not going to last long so I want a promise that when you win I can live here."

"I'm listening.''

''Jade as been arrested for murder and she left the whole gang to a sixteen year old.''

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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