Chapter 6

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I can't give in no I can't let it slid. Hold it back Jade hold it back. It's no use one Hugh tear falls down from my face onto the white tilled floor of my cell. Yes cell I mean I no I'm not a saint but, I'm no killer either.

Thats when it hits me I look down at my finger at the outline of where my wedding ring was suppose to be the cops took it off of me before leaving me alone in this room. Douglas, he was and idiot yes but, he was my idiot. He cared about me I know Chance didn't like him to much but, she warm up to him someday. I am such a serious person I mean do you blame me Im raising over a dozen kids in New York one of the most dangerous cities in the country and trying to make sure nobody ends up in jail.  Huh that's funny considering where I'm at right now. Trying to keep the North gang from ripping apart my family because they think we're weak. On top of that their leader is a total crazy person Blue Goodman the leader of the North gang.  Well the North can go pond sand.  I was just 18 when I took over the gang now I'm  28. Wait I left my family with a 16 year old as a leader what was I thinking God make sure Chance doesn't screw this up.

I lay my head down on the hard floor and feel the tears start to overrun my vision as I drift slowly into sleep.


"Wake up," I was shaken awake by the guard. I was really hoping this was all a bad dream. "Come on your lawyer wants to talk to you about your case," the prison guard says before I host myself of the ground.  He walks me into a room with sage walls and a table and chairs in the middle I sit down in one. A minute later a man in a cheap suit and a coffee Stan on his tie sits in front of me he reaches out his hand and I give him a shake back.

Well Ms. Jade your case doesn't look good we have evidence and a witness who clams you shot Douglas. " Douglas was shot," I say and meet the eyes of the man in front me he shakes his head. He was on of those lawyers appointed to you by the state which means he sucks.

" ok where were you this mourning around 10:00 a.m.," he ask looking hopeful.

"I went out for a run throw the Hoops park it's the one right next to the Cave.

" the Cave?" He looked confused

"Yes where the gang lives."

"So let me guess you went by yourself nobody can give you alibi."

"Yes," I can't even make eye contact with him as if I did something wrong but I Didn't.

"Honey your screwed!"

Leave It To ChanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora