Chapter 3

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It started to drizzle this mourning after I left the Cave. I still amazed I hit Goose but, he deserved it he should know better than to go throw other people's phone. I walk into the pet store and see Lilly unpacking boxes. " Good mourning," she says with a smile. " Did we get some new supplies in" I open the box and see six little kittens. " omg their so cute," I pick up a little one and he starts to pure. He had a yellow tent with white paws. " o god Jade would kill me if I brought one home," I say my smile fading into a frown. "

During the day I worked The cash register, cleaned the fish tanks, and occasionally stopped by to see the kittens. Closing time at 6:00 so I turn on all the heat lamps for reptiles and lock the door.


I walk in the side door of the Cave and see everybody sitting at the counter Raven was cook something on the burner. " Hey Chance want some," Raven offers me a pancake. " No I'm Good," I walk out of the kitchen and climb up the ladder to the loft. I pull of my uniform off and put on some jeans and a flowey white shirt I straighten my hair and apply a little bit of makeup before going downstairs.

"Wow where you off to," Rowdy comments. " Going out," I replied. " our little girl all grown up," Xander is fake crying. " Tell Jade I going to be late,'' as I grab my bag of the floor where I had drooped it on the way in . " Ok,'' Raven says fast as if warning to me to get out know before the boys start asking questions.


I rode the bus to a little restaurant in up town Auburn it was cute Blue meet me outside under the porch. It felt nice to see Blue somewhere different than at the tracks. we get a table near the entrance of the restaurant. Blue orders a hamburger with fries and a chocolate milkshake the waiter looks at me "I'll take the chicken fingers with fries and a strawberry milkshake," I say that with so much glee Blue just smiles at me and I blush. " It's been forever since I've been out to eat." "Why not you get your own paycheck don't you,'' He says that with a confusion. " I do but it goes to gang if it wasn't for my paycheck we probably wouldn't have electricity .'' "I'm sorry Chance but that doesn't seem right, you earned that money you should be the person who spends it.'' " it's really ok I mean they took care of me when nobody else would I O them that. You know what let's change topics what your favorite color." He sighs " Green what yours. " Blue like your eyes,"I say then I realize " holy crap I said that out loud." Yes you did,"The smile on his face was priceless.

" How was your food" Blue ask. Good yours " Good. " that's when I felt eyes staring into the back of my head. I turn around and my blood started to boil.


After Chance left me and Goose and I said we where of to the Movies of coarse everyone believed us we I got in my car we found Chance waiting at the bus stop. My father bought me a car as an I'm sorry present he said he was sober it lasted for week then I had to bail him out of jail over a bar fight. As the bus pulled to a stop in front of her and she climb in. I position the car right behind the bus so we could follow it. " All this for one girl," shut up Goose.

The bus stops and we pull the car Into a parking lot behind a building we sprint up to the conner to see Chance and a guy with a tall build and brown hair entering a restaurant.

I start walking to the door but Goose grabs my arms "Wait take these,"and he pulls out two pairs of black shades " Good thinking." I take the sunglasses and put them on " Smooth" I say before strutting to the door. When I get in side we ask to sit in the conner a prefect few. I look to see the guy and I think I having a struck.

" Rowdy is that Blue the leader of the North gang that's him Isn't it." I didn't answer him he new the answer. At this moment Chance turns around " O crap where dead," Goose says as if he really was scared.


We where having such a nice dinner until two bimbos came in here and got Chance all mad but, I have to admit she cute when she anger. So right know their is a stare down between Chance and these two guys one has blond hair and and brown eyes he about six foot I'm taller. They other guy is the same height with saggy red hair he kinda resembles a funky looking bird. Chance's face is starting get mad as if she was about to explode I quickly grab her hand she faces me I could tell that there where tears forming in her eyes. I get up from the table pull her from her seat into a hug I look over her shoulder at the bimbos one looks scared out of his mind the other one looks mad.

We all walk outside the restaurant the one with the blond hair was on the ground faster than I can turn around. I see Steam pretty much rolling off of Chance the bird kid was begging with his hands over his face not for Chance to hit him. I'm start to realize they weren't afraid of me more like Chance.

" What the hell was that for," the one on the ground with a nose bleed screams. " Don't you dare scream at me Rowdy" Chance says to him with expression that could kill a man.

" you couldn't help yourself could you? Just couldn't stay away couldn't respect that asked for one night to myself that I went out on my own for once in my life. But no you come down here to do what exactly to spy on me is that it To make some big ordeal and call me out on going on a date. You are so unresponsible , immature, Idiotically stupid, you only care about yourself......

I think Chance would have gone on another hour if I hadn't turn her around and kissed her.

God it feels good to kiss her I love her so much. I release her and talk real soft like a child but, yet I think for once she standing up like an adult. "Listen to me very carefully take these bimbos home if anything happens you call me I don't care I'll run across those tracks as fast as I can to get you. " I look down to acknowledge the idiots who mouths had drop a few inches since I kissed her. " tell me you understand, " I pretty much pleading. " yes " she says still stunned. I walk down the porch of the restaurant and start to my car when I hear " I love you Blue." Love you to" say as open my door and drive away.

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