Chapter 5

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Nobody has said a word in hours. Where all just sitting in the kitchen some people on the counter the rest our on the floor. I think we all smushed ourselves in one room cause we can't stand to be alone. I look up to see Blake asleep on Ravens lap and Raven leaning against Xander. Raven and Blake both have tear struck eyes Xander just staring at the ground. Everybody else in the room looks the same like lost puppies with no mother.

I take a deep breath and stand up everybody looks up to me as if I'm supposed to heal their wounds. I don't know how. How I supposed to lead them when I'm a train wreck myself?

" I know this is going to be hard Jade has found a way touch all of our lives and she made them better."
I say as look around the room more people start to cry. " she took us inn when nobody else's would she taught us how to be better people."

" Your talking about her like she's gone," I meet the gaze of a girl named Jewell she nineteen her father died when she 15 and her step mom kicked her out. She a good example of one of Jades broken toys that has been fixed.

" thats not what I'm implying I'm just saying what would Jade do if she was here."

" well we wouldn't be in this problem if Jade was here." Goose says he slumped up against the counter.

" you know what I mean and stop ruining my pep talk," I say with a small smile forming and Goose smirks.

" What do you suggest we do?" Xander looks up from the ground.

" well for starters Jade isn't here to support us anymore and my paycheck isn't going to cut it so everyone here has to start sharing the load." I say and everybody groans.

"He stop that as much I would love to sit around all day we can't look around you these people deepen on you.  I miss to Jade but we have to prove that the South doesn't fall this easy we have to prove to Jade that all that she taught us means something."

"Yah," Blake cheers.

Ok everybody nods their heads in approval. "Well let's get started then, " I say as I grab the yesterday's newspaper on the counter and throw it to the middle of the room. " Raven you need to stay her and make sure the Cave stays in order Blake will help. " Wait I want to pitch in like everybody else," Blake pouts. " sorry little man I don't think nobody's going to hire a 12 year old." Xander gives him a little push.

I meet the glare of Rowdy I pretty much forgot about him I grab Goose's ear and drag him out and signaling Rowdy to follow. We walk out the side door of the Cave and I let go of Goose. " I call a truce." " What," Rowdy looks at me to Goose. " Ok look I know you hate my guts right now and want to tell the  whole world about how you think I'm a trader. I most likely deserve it to but look at them they can't handle another heart break to night so can we agree to keep ever thing that happen today to ourselves." Goose nods his head I hold out my hand to Rowdy he puts out his hand and shakes mine. Rowdy walks back in the Cave leaving Goose and me alone. " that guy hates me," I say looking over at Goose. " No he don't and that's the problem," And with that he leaves.

I walk in everybody left the kitchen to the sitting area. As I enter to see  a circle has fallen in to place with Raven reading jobs from the paper." Wait Goose theirs an add for a janitor at the zoo I always knew you end up their. " "Xander theirs a enter view for a male model you should go," Blake says as he reads over Raven shoulder. " Absolutely not no other girl needs to be looking at him," Raven replies making death glares at every girl in the room. " possessive  much," Jewell says winking at Xander Raven lets out a low growl. Everybody in the room burst it laughing.

Raven gets up and hands the newspaper to Blake " take over." She walks over to the chair I'm sitting in ands smiles at me " you gave them hope." "

"what do you mean."

"Jade was right you are mint to be a leader you gave us hope when we need it the most." she looks over to the gang who's laughing and everybody is wearing a smile just 30 minutes ago they where crying.

" hope, maybe that's all we need."

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