Chapter 12 - Let Fate Decide.

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Quick Author's Note:

Look at the Main Cast of this story! ;D

Hope you like it!


“We be sailin’ like ‘em pirates, matey!!” Matt yelled as he stood on front tip of the sail boat with his arms up, wind blowing against his body. I sat on the porch with the others as the sailor, face-palming myself with embarrassment. I forgot the reason why I’m with him.

“Call me Cap’n Jack Sparrow. We shall be hunting the best treasure in all land like ‘em true pirates. Savvy?” Matt said, failing to impersonate Jack Sparrow and winked at me with his drink up, “Drink up my hearties. YO HO.”

Oh, good God.


Drevon’s POV – Leah’s cousin


“Have you made preparations?” He said gruffly, sitting on the big executive office table with his elbows resting on it and his hands loosely clasp together near his mouth. The light from his laptop shone on his wise old face, just enough to clearly see his impatient expression.

I stood in the dark room with my assistant next to me, feeling suffocated as I coughed quietly, “Yes” I said, holding stack of documents under my arm. The lights were barely on and the black dusty curtains were closed, blocking the sunlight.

I glanced at my assistant and she took as a signal to give the ready-made documents for the end of summer to him. Old man glanced at her, his eyebrows furrowed as my assistant nervously walked over to him and handed it in. He took the documents exasperatedly as she walked backwards, afraid to look at him in the eye as though he was the man you shouldn’t mess with.

Yes, he is someone one shouldn’t mess with as he is one of the most powerful CEO of financial companies. His grey-silver hair was slick back like a 1960’s business man with a thick silver trimmed goatee. He has deep wrinkles of stress on his forehead and on the side of his eyes. He looked at the papers in his hand and shown a smile of the devil as he flips the pages. No…

He’s much worse than the devil himself. He’s heartless, greedy and selfish.

But as his right hand man, I must obey his every command. For the safety of my family and my friends, I must not disobey him. “Good.” He said, startled by his deep voice after a long moment of silence. I sighed out of relief to find that I have satisfied him with the preparations. “What’s next?” he asked.

My assistant and I looked at each other and then back at him. I cleared my throat, “Well, after they have come back from their honeymoon. We will proceed the plan to prepare the heir of this company.”

“Hmm..” he said. “-and the girl?”

I hesitated, my heart erratically pounding in my chest, “I have… tipped the guy in Hawaii to…” I gulped with uneasiness, “-sabotage the ship.” My assistant gave an audible gasp of shock as she stared at me with her brown eyes wide open. Don’t look at me like that. My baby cousin is on that ship…

Old man chuckled deeply and grinned like a Cheshire cat, “Good, good. We will let fate decide who will survive..”

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