9) Perchance to dream

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...aka the only chapter that should have been rated.     

Marky's uncle was the taxi driver for the evening, offering his services to anyone who needed them. Since it was a long way to Vera's family house, she decided to accept the generous offer. The ride was quiet. Vera couldn't make herself to say a single word apart from thank you when they were getting out of the car.

Vera wasn't angry with Matt, even though it might look like it due to the silence. No. She was simply holding onto the picture which seemed to be burned onto her retinas. It was impossible to make it go away. Frankly, she didn't want it to, not really, despite the thought being intrusive, gnawing and incredibly annoying. Because. Matt. Kids. Right.


Vera wasn't much for thinking about the future. Like... she really wasn't. Sure, there were things she knew she wanted, expected or knew would never happen, but... she had never spent too much time connecting these things and creating a whole picture. Like connecting the fact she wanted to have kids one day with the fact she was very much certain she wanted to stay with Matt and honestly couldn't imagine being with anybody else for a while now. Which inevitably led to only one possible end.

So. Yeah. That... there was that. One side of it. Her.

And then there was Matt.

What did Matt want? He had openly admitted during the infamous Nelsons Christmas that he wasn't thinking about the future too hard either. For obvious reasons; no matter how much Vera hated the thought, how much she liked to pretend it wasn't the truth, his way of living was dangerous. He was risking his life every day. Night. Actually both, day and night, considering a few not exactly safe cases of his. So. Kids. Out of question?

But Jesus freaking Christ, the stupid twinkling, the stupid light in his eyes, the careful and protective hold on the baby, the stupid, stupid smile when cradling the little boy and when the baby reached for his face— ježišimarja. Matt had looked like he had been born for this, as natural as he seemed when fighting, as if he was breathing. No one can just give up breathing.

So what? The moment Vera saw the baby in his arms, she was pretty sure that he wanted kids. But--

"Yes," he said softly as he followed her to her room, the door behind them closing without her noticing it. The word snapped her from her thoughts, her head spinning to him.

"What?!" she blurted out and for a split second, a horrifying thought struck her; did she say any of that out loud?

"I'm not sure what exactly you're thinking now, but I think I have a pretty good idea. And the answer is yes. I don't know how-- I can't imagine giving up the mask or the practice, I can't imagine making it work, not to mention I would be terrible at this, but-- yeah.... Yes, I would like to have kids one day," Matt admitted quietly, sheepish.

And he was right of course. Making it work with all the craziness around him? That would be tough. Yet, she felt a suffocating weight being lifted from her shoulders, the tension in them dissolving. The lump in her throat on the other hand, it didn't disappear, growing instead. Jesus, Vera was sure she wanted kids. But the new thing was, as the obvious threads were interweaving in her head now, that she wanted to have kids with him. She was one hundred percent certain of it. How crazy was that?

"You will be amazing, Matt," she whispered, or rather croaked, unable to find her voice, quickly escaping his unseeing eyes.

You will be amazing. Will I be by your side? Can you imagine it? Can you imagine us?

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