(Chapter 10) College?

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(MY NEW BOOK IS OUT! Please check it out! It's a Vampire Diaries multi-fanfic

Title - Romantic Turn (TVD)

Other details are in the author's note at the end if the chapter.


Elena's POV

I was looking around the bathroom on my knees, searching the thick, furry carpet.

Totally forgot about the door, it was open so someone came in.

"Looking for something?" He asked.

I looked up to see Klaus staring at me with a sad look.

"I'm sorry, but I swear I didn't mean to. I wouldn't lose it on purpose." I answered.

Nope, wasn't enough. He still looked slightly angry and hurt.

He stared at my wrist, where Kol's bracelet was.

"You lost the necklace but you didn't lose this? Do you have a thing for Kol?" He asked softly.

"What? No we're just friends but why does it matter, you're dating Caroline."

Now I'm mad. The necklace was one thing but my personal business is another.

"Elena, about the kiss, I-"

"Save it Klaus, don't even talk about it. You can't kiss me like that while you're dating Caroline. You led me on, only to tell me what we did was wrong."

"I know, I'm sorry but is this why you removed the necklace?"

"Klaus what part of I didn't mean to lose it did you not understand?"

"Well you didn't lose Kol's."

I sighed.

"You know what, I can't even talk about this anymore. I told you I didn't mean to lose it, that's why I was here looking for it in the first place."

That night I couldn't sleep, even if I was mad at Klaus I didn't feel comfortable knowing that I lost the necklace.

I checked the clock, 12:26am.

This is no use.

I walked downstairs slowly and quietly, afraid to wake anyone and Nemo who was sleeping peacefully on my bed.

Then I opened the doors to the patio. The pool was there and so was the swing. The swing wasn't like those playground ones, it was a like big couch but it was swing.

Sooner or later, I fell asleep.


The sun was shining in my eyes but I didn't mind because my pillow was so warm, comfy too.

I wrapped my arms around it and listened to it's slow breathing.

"Hey sleepy head."

I opened my eyes to see Kol. Staring at me while my hands were draped around his neck.

"What the? Kol? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I slept late last night and I went out here to relax when I saw you sleeping on the swing. Then I decided to sit next to you but I fell asleep as well."

"Oh, well I'm sorry for using you as my teddy bear."

"Trust me, I don't mind." He answered with a grin.

I laughed while shoving his shoulder.


I just came home from work so I showered and relaxed on my bed munching on caramel corn with Nemo on my lap.

I love Nemo, we got along so well. We're both lazy and love watching TV.

My phone started ringing right when it was getting to the good part, ugh.

"Hello? Is this Elena Gilbert?" a woman asked.


"This is Columbia College of Vancouver, Canada. We were trying to contact you last year but we weren't able to. You applied for our college last year and we were willing to offer you a scholarship although we couldn't contact you. However, since it's the start of a new school year we would like to know if you'd be interested."

I was shocked. It's a scholarship, I wouldn't have to raise money anymore but I don't know if I want to leave.

"Umm this sounds like a great opportunity but I'd like some time to think about it. Would that be okay?" I ask.

"That would be fine, however we would like to have you call us back in 2 weeks so we'd know if we have to prepare your things and if we should move on with the waiting list."

"Okay sounds great, thank you."

"Your welcome, bye."

I hung up.

It was a great opportunity but should I take it? It would make everything easier, I'd just have to pay for the dorms instead of the entire 4 years of college but I think I'd miss Rebekah and Kol too much. Maybe even Klaus.

Whatever, I'll think about it.

I pushed the thought away and focused on the movie.

I came downstairs for more chips and found Rebekah talking to Klaus and Kol.

"Oh Elena! Just in time, we were about to call you." She exclaims.

"For what?" I ask.

"Matt and I are going to a week cruise for our anniversary and I suggested that we take all of you guys. So what do you think?"

"Fun but what about The Mystic Grill?" I answered.

"We've got it covered. Matt's cousin and April Young volunteered."

A week to get away.

"Okay, I'm in."

Author's Note

My new book is out! Yay! Please read it, or at least check it out.

The title is - Romantic Turn (TVD)
If you can't find it then just look for it in my profile.

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter. I'll be updating again soon!

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