S for Sweety

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Puthandu Vazhthukal !
Vishu Ashamsakal !
Happy Baisakhi !


One day on the sets of Saaho, in D's caravan,

D is giving dreamy looks staring at something when,

R: Bava !!! Oh Bava !!!

D mv: Gggrrr !!! Why is this lamp post here at this time ???

D quickly hides it in the drawer and closing it positions himself infront of the  drawer.He sees R walking in all smiles.

D: Hi bava!! How come you are here ? You came without informing...

R: Bava, when have l informed you ? When I feel like seeing you or brotheru l find my way to you guys. Miss you ra bava !

He hugs D squeezing the breath out of him.

D: *Cough* *Ouch* easy Bava easy...l missed you too...

R leaves his hold on D.

R: Bava, I saw you hiding something when I came what was that?? 

D: No... no... nothing ra.. just...

D tries to shield the drawer.

R: Ahaah ! So the stuff is inside the drawer. Move I want to see...

D: No no no bava don't !

R: I know, I know it a new liquor bottle and you don't want to share with me so you are hiding it! Oh I am feeling nostalgic now. Remember the innumerable nights on Bb sets where we emptied bottles together, got drunk and slept on the ground over each other until SSR poured buckets of water in the morning to wake us up ?? Those were the days...sigh...After Bb2 you have become so selfish bava I don't care we are finishing this one 50-50 and don't worry I won't tell bro!

D: It's not that ra listen to me I...

R pushes D aside and he pulls open the drawer to find a black slate board, a chalk piece and a telugu for beginners book. Taking those stuff,

R: What is this ra Telugu beginners book, chalk and slate are you planning to start some school ??

D: Mmm... that...mmm...

D bows his head and putting a finger in his mouth sways shying like a new bride,

R: You are blushing... that means... Bava congratulations!! Bro is pregnant and you got this for baby ?? Oh bava you made it ra I am so happy for you !!

D: No ra bava... you got it wrong! This is not for baby or sweetu... this is for...

Again blushes.

R: For ??

D: You know Shraddha doesn't know telugu... she wants to learn so...

R's eyeballs pop out at the mention of her name and heart signs appear around him like we see in cartoons.

R mv: Shraddha!! I have to whisk this chick away from this fella.

D: Mmm... I told her I will teach her and she in return will teach me Hindi.

R: You want to learn Hindi l can teach you why must it be her ??

D: Who wants to see your bear face and learn ?? She is so cute when she smiles I will learn fast seeing her pretty smiling face also she will hold my hand with her soft, tender palm and help me to write...that feel I won't get from you...

😍Darling n Sweety😍 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now