Part 5 : Bava Bangaram

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They were too busy to pay attention to their director.

Ra : What is this ?? 😧🤭

Sen : (Looking into the eyepiece) Let them be, the scene is turning out well. Looks very natural.

SSR : Hey !! Nee professionalism thagaleyya !! (To hell with your professionalism) Lift your face off the camera and see, it is live !! If we don't stop them now we'll be forced to leave this room ! Padha!

Sen : (looks up) Oh shucks !!! (Keeps his hands over his head)

They run and catch hold of D. With some difficulty they manage to lift the hefty 6 feet cut-out off S and place him aside.

S : Huh...Over ?? So soon ??

D : No not yet... I felt some force taking me away what was...

D turns around to find 3 people standing with their hands crossed at their chests and faces bloodshot red ! He realizes he is in hot soup! Clearing his throat and in a regal manner,

D : Ahem...Meeku em kaaledu kada Yuvarani( Nothing happened to you right princess ?)

Sen : He is living in the character it seems.

Ra : Oh yes he is. If we left them a little longer like this, they would given real Mahendra in our hands. Thank god !

SSR holds D's ears and pulls him.

SSR : I myself am one acting academy and you are showing your talent to me eh ??? 😡

D : Aaahhh !!! Ouch!!! Raj ! Leave my ears !! What happened now ?

Ra : A hip chain and 2 anklets broken ! I don't want to talk about the saree, the one she wears when she is in shackles looks much better.

D : I did as you told (keeps an innocent face)

SSR : Don't keep that baby face ra... I asked you to act did I ask you to break them ??

S : He gives his 100% percent when it comes to work, you know no...

SSR : Support ki vachavaa talli ? ( Mother, you came for his support ? ) Oh for this work also he gives 100% ah ??This is not 100% ma, this is beyond. Atleast you could have stopped him right ?

S : ☺️

D : Don't blame her Raj, she becomes speechless when it's me. How will she stop? 😁

SSR : Haiyyooo tandri mallikarjuna swamy!! (Calling almighty) Whichever way I shoot fn with these two it is going out of my control!! What do I do now ??

He plops on the bed holding his head. His wife calms him.

SSR : I never faced this much difficulty for any scene. In other films before director says 'cut' he used to get up and run shying away like a new bride but now I am screaming my head off for him to stop but he's pressed on to her as if a lizard stuck to the wall!!

D : They were my co-stars but she is my...

He bends his head coyly, puts his finger in his mouth like a kid and sways.

SSR : Look at him.. Reyy !! Haiyooo... I don't even have the strength to scold..She came like a freshly bloomed flower and now is sitting like a doll in the hands of a 2 year old kid! How will I shoot this scene with them ?

D : I have a suggestion (crawls over to SSR) We'll do this once more Raj ?

SSR : Once more ah ?? ( lifts his head and looks up at D) Neeyabba! just get lost from here !!

D jumps and goes behind Rama garu for support.

SSR : Look guys, take a break. Once back, we'll shoot a scene for the last time.

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