Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Dark Results

(Emma's P.O.V)

After two days, I was about ready to throw myself off a cliff. Literally, jump off a cliff screaming "KILLIAN JONES, I LOVE YOU!!" I refused to get out of bed, I wouldn't talk to anyone but Henry and my parents and I finally understood why Regina had gone pretty much insane after the death of her fiancé, Daniel. This was hell.

I kept asking myself why everyone I loved was taken from me. Graham, August (kinda), Neal, and now Killian too. This lead me to think of the people I had left being taken. Henry, my mom and dad, baby Neal, hell even Regina.

Obviously, this didn't help. I was in this state of shock for the next week. While David, Regina, who'd gotten out of the hospital three day after the Pan incident, Robin, Rumple, Belle and Ruby were searching for Elsa and Killian, I sat in bed, being useless and crying and sulking like a little baby.

The weather outside got worse. There was at least two feet of snow. I wasn't sure, I hadn't looked out a window in a few days. One day, Belle came running in, panting and telling me someone has been found. Not Killian, but someone I'd want to see.

She wouldn't tell me who, saying it was better for my sanity at the time. I slowly got dressed and followed her out to Rumple's car that she apparently drove. (When did she learn to drive?) We drove to the hospital.

When we got there, Belle ran in, me slowly walking behind her. Belle lead me into a room and I decided she was right in not telling me until we got here. Sitting on the hospital bed, bandaged and attached to machines, but very much alive was someone I never thought I'd see again. Someone I wasn't sure if I was glad to see.

Killian's P.O.V

I always imagined dying at sea, on my beloved ship at the hands of a horrible enemy. Not at the hands of some woman I'd flirted with 300 years ago who had an obsession with icicles, especially when the pierced my skin.

I'll spare you of the details but basically, the first week I spent trapped in the attic of the crazy ice witch was the worst week of my life. When I wasn't being tortured, I spent most of my time thinking of my Swan.

Emma, who I hoped survived the battle with Pan, was probably pissed at me for disappearing. I hoped not because really, I didn't have the choice, but I missed her after a mere few hours.

Late on the sixth day, a man in a long brown coat and whose face was covered by a "ski mask" as Emma called them -and tried to force me to wear a few times- came into the attic and freed me. I never got to see who he was before Elsa appeared and waved her hand, making him disappear.

The damage was done though. The man had been able to freeze her using squid ink, giving me a chance to run. I took off, out the door and into the woods hoping to find my way back to town. Just my luck that I got lost and ended up in the middle of a forest that I knew not.

Mystery Man's P.O.V

I opened my eyes with a gasp. This wasn't right! I was supposed to be dead! I laying down in the middle of the forest where I thought I'd died. How long had it been? Days? Months? Years maybe? I wanted to run back to town, to make sure my loved ones knew I was alive and okay, but I had this... Feeling... that I needed to find someone.

At the time, I wasn't sure who, but as I started running I realized the person I needed to rescue was Killian Jones. For some reason though, I knew he couldn't know it was me. I checked the pocket of my brown coat and found a ski mask. I put it on, still sprinting full speed to a cabin out in the woods.

I successfully snuck in. Must have been the years worth of doing that for a living. It was a weird feeling, really, knowing exactly where I was supposed to be. Like a computer was in my head, guiding me, because I knew I would find him in the attic.

I sneakily made my through the house, up to the attic and successfully freed him. Elsa appeared, but I wasn't worried. Again, that instinct kicked in and I knew if I reached in my left cleat pocket, I'd find a tissue (like, what?!?) with squid ink on it. I used it to freeze her, but before it kicked in, she transported me away.

Elsa must have used some sort of magic to knock me out because my last thought before I passed out was "I hope Killain gets away. And I hope they have pancakes in hell, because this time I'm positive I'm dead,"

I did end up waking up again, but this time I was in the hospital. Before I could ask the nurse who was standing at the window anything, someone walked in. "Emma!" I exclaimed. Her face went pale. She started bawling and ran up to me, hugging me and punching me and yelling at me, but I didn't mind. I knew she was happy to see me and that was all that mattered.


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