Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Magic Training and Flying Dark Ones (Emma's P.O.V)

When we got back to the hill, I was trampled with questions. "Where have you been?!?" "What the hell happened to you?!?" "Rumple, be nice! Emma are you okay?" "We got... Held up," I said, smirking at Killian. "I got a little wet and yes, I'm fine, just a bit cold," I said, snuggling into Killian's arm.

Regina quickly explained that all they had found was the vase in a pile of dirt. Killian told everyone what happened with Elsa, all the while, keeping a protective arm around my shivering body.

"Wait," my dad said, "true love's kiss?" He asked. Killian nodded proudly and I laughed. "Well, I guess now we know," I said. "That you wasted a year trying to fend me off and another not remembering me?" Killian asked. "Shut up, pirate," I hit him playfully.

After that, I went home to dry off, get a change of clothes and went to Gold's shop where he wanted to see Regina and I. Before leaving though, I kissed Killian goodnight. He went back to Granny's where he was staying. (Yes, I had gotten around to asking him)

I took my car to the shop. "Miss Swan," Gold greeted. "Hi. So, um why did you decide all of a sudden that I needed more training?" I asked. "Because Regina has no idea what she's doing," he glanced at Regina who was glaring at him from across the room. "You see, you're very powerful, Emma, and you need someone more powerful than her to help you learn," he explained.

"I think she did a good job," I defended Regina. It was true, she did do a great job teaching me. If it weren't for her, I would never have been able to use magic. I don't think she did a bad job teaching me at all.

Gold rolled his eyes, "tell me that in a few hours when you can do things Regina didn't even know magic could do," he said. "Fine, but I'm not doing any reading," I smiled glancing over to see Regina stifling a laugh.

Gold looked at us like we were five year old kids and rolled his eyes. He brought us to the back of the shop where he took out a vial. "Make it into a potion," he instructed, pulling out some ingredients. "Can't we just... You know, work on actually using my powers?" I asked hopefully.

"No," he said, "do this and then we'll work on powers," he handed me the vial. "I don't even know how to... Do I get a recipe or anything?" I asked, starting to really appreciate Regina's approach on magic lessons.

Gold rolled his eyes. "Think. Choose ingredients you believe will make a potion," he instructed. "What potion?!?" I exclaimed. "That's for you decide," he sighed. "Ugh!" I said, picking up a few green berries, some black feathers, a pink liquid, a blue liquid and something that looked like ashes.

"Do I just...?" I looked at Regina, hoping she'd help me. Gold glared at her and she gave me a sad look. I waved my hand, focusing on a boiling pot, making one appear. I dropped the ingredients into the pot and found a wooden spoon to stir it.

When I got bored with staring at the pot, I carefully poured some into the vial. I looked uncertainly at Regina and Gold, the vial in my hand. "Drink it," Gold said. "You know what it is, don't you?" I asked. He nodded.

I sighed an stared at it. "Promise me it won't kill me and that whatever it does can be reversed," I said, looking at Gold. "Yes, you'll be fine, I promise," I drank it. The next thing I knew, I was relatively shorter than I was used to being. I walked over to a nearby mirror, horrified to find out that I was about twelve or thirteen.

"Okay, really?" I said to a laughing Regina. "Undo it!" I demanded. Gold waved his hand, returning me to... Well, me. Regina was still laughing and I glared at her. "So, what was the point of that?" I asked, annoyed at him for actually making me drink the damn thing.

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