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Three days had passed since Bella Swan's suicide mission to jump off a cliff then disappear to Italy to save her equally as suicidal vampire boyfriend from killing himself once he'd been led under the impression that she had actually died

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Three days had passed since Bella Swan's suicide mission to jump off a cliff then disappear to Italy to save her equally as suicidal vampire boyfriend from killing himself once he'd been led under the impression that she had actually died.

Jacob was livid the whole time, his already fragile temper even worse, him being set off by the smallest of things that he was later designated to be Elise's test subject in the practicing of her powers.

Currently, they stood in a field, her standing before him while he was a few feet away from her. An old weathered book was in her hand with great detail and instructions on how to perform what she was attempting. Keres were supposed to be able to tell the future and the instructions seemed simple enough, place hands around the head of the person you wished to know the future of, maintain eye contact and focus on nothing else but the task at hand. "Are you nervous?"

"I just don't know if I'm going to like what I see, I hope you know that even if this does work and I see your future, I can't tell you all of it. There's extremely specific warnings claiming that if I tell you what I see it could ruin your fate and I'd much rather not be killed just because I couldn't keep a secret."

"I won't ask and you won't tell, besides one thing that I absolutely need you to tell me."

Elise felt like she knew his question before he even got the words out but she listened anyway. "What?"

"I need you to tell me if I'm going to be with her, if all my efforts are going to actually mean something in the future."

Sighing aloud, she nodded, telling him the truth wouldn't be too revealing because she already knew it. Everyone could see it besides himself and the sooner he got over Bella Swan the better for him and everyone who had to have a front row seat of his metaphorical plane crash.

Words went void after her hands raised and rested themselves on both of his temples, his short cropped dark brown hair sinking between the gaps of her fingers. Elise breathed out and looked into his eyes and after a few moments her vision seemed to black out, brilliant blue eyes glowing, the pupils of her eyes descending until there was only a thin strip of the glowing cerulean.

Flashes of images came into play perfectly in crystal clear flashes. A fight between vampires and wolves, Jake getting hurt then it shifted into more. He wasn't injured anymore, at least not physically, now  Jake's anger changed the color of her vision red while he phased and ran off for days, weeks even until he returned dressed in a suit that was wrinkled and messy. Bella wearing a stunning white dress with a smile on her face. He seemed to be okay in the next images, a baby in hand and a smile so bright she was sure his cheeks had to have been hurting until it faded away with him walking on the beach with someone who absolutely was not Bella.

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