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"So, are you going to tell me how it was or are you just going to keep standing by me all silent

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"So, are you going to tell me how it was or are you just going to keep standing by me all silent."

Elise fixed her gaze over to her brother, she'd gotten to school earlier than she'd expected and once she found him fooling around with his group of jocks she was quick to wrap a hand around his muscly arm and tug him away. They'd been walking around the decently sized high school for a good minute and the teen girl had yet to explain to her brother the reasoning behind stealing him away. "I did something weird last night, then I found something even weirder and I need you to be incredibly open-minded about it because it sounds crazy and I've already checked my symptoms online and I'm positive I'm not hallucinating or schizophrenic but there's definitely something wrong with me."

Concern suddenly cloaked Asher's face, her older brother completely ready for whatever she was readying herself to say. "What happened?"

"I found out some stuff about the Cullen's, weird stuff. First of all, they live outside of town, like twenty minutes out. Their house is huge and made of glass, see through bulletproof glass."

"Bulletproof? Why the hell would they need bulletproof glass? It's Forks."

Elise raised a brow, nodding her head in agreement with him. "That's not even the half of it, they don't sleep. I mean, it could've been my fault with the leaving their house and two in the morning to go walking around on my own in the woods but even then they weren't sleeping, none of them."

"In the woods? What the hell were you doing walking alone in the woods that late?"

"I had the feeling again, the one that mom used to talk about having. I remember her telling me not to fight it, to run towards and I did. I left and Alice saw me leave and I was gone for a while but it was like I knew exactly where I was going but I'd never even been there before." Elise's voice was a hushed whisper, the two siblings huddled close together so their words were bypassed by onlookers and students who didn't need to hear what they were talking about. "Then, there was this river I crossed and it was like a completely different feeling, everything was different the trees and the dirt, it just felt better. I was going through there for a bit and I found a wolf, this giant grey wolf, it was taller than both of us standing upright. Ash, it walked right up to me and let me touch and it just felt like I was right where I belonged."

She went quiet after than, waiting for him to start laughing at her and telling her to stop watching so many scary movies for bed. Waited for him to tell her she'd conjured the whole thing up and deemed it a figment of her imagination but he did no such thing. Asher leaned even closer on hand resting on the crease of her arm. "You saw the wolves too?"

Bright blue eyes widened more than ever thought possible, his words making her heart thud quickly in her chest. "Too? You've seen them?"

"El, there's this one that watches me. Every time we make eye contact it doesn't seem animal it seems almost—"


Their moment was interrupted by Tyler, one of his arms wrapping around both of their necks. "What's going on here? Secrets don't make friends."

The Dunatos' shared one final look before giving the football player the same tense smile. "Everything's all good, the bell ring yet?"

"Five minutes, lets go."

"I'll see you later," Elise ducked under the hand around her shoulder and walked away from the boys, her body taking her to class but her mind pulling her into an entirely different direction.

Her mind was racing, the events of the previous night sending her body into a state that she'd never experienced before. All things she'd known before was slowly morphing into something much more complex, something much more dangerous and deadly than she'd ever anticipated possible. Something was happening in Forks that was being done so subtly that the civilians who'd resided in the small town for generations didn't even notice it.

"Elise," Alice's chirpy voice called from behind her, her topaz eyes wide and vibrant. Those eyes had made the brunette suspicious from the beginning and the longer she stared into them her suspicions of the pixie like teenager and her family grew. "You left so soon this morning, is everything alright?"

"Everything's perfect, I just felt really bad about what I did last night and I didn't want to be there for your parents to confront me about it. Thought it would save some trouble."

Alice brushed off the apology, seemingly completely unaware of the hesitation that the fellow female held. "Don't worry about it at all, my parents are pretty laid back. They didn't mind, they were just happy you got your fix or whatever it was that you were searching for."

"My fix? I'm not a junkie, I just needed to breathe."

"I'm not judging," She reprimanded immediately, her cold hands reaching out to touch Elise, the chill of her hard skin pushing through her thin black shirt. "I get it more than you'd could ever understand."

Not sure what to say back, Elise Dunatos gave a tight-lipped smile, her azure eyes looking down the hall trying to distract herself.

"You'll have to come back sometime, I had a lot of fun. Maybe next time you'll let me do your hair, you'd look really beautiful blonde, maybe highlights?"

"Maybe next time."

Nothing seemed to deteriorate Alice Cullen's chipper mood, a delicate smile perfectly placed on her soft features. "I'm holding you to that. See you around El."

Giving a wave in response, Elise looked away her lungs exhaling a deep breath she wasn't even aware she was holding.

Something was fishy, very fishy indeed.

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