A New Olympian rises

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Well, the Giant war was over, we survived the whole ordeal ya know, minus the constant night terrors and waking up with cold sweats at 3 in the morning screaming bloody murder. Everyone had gotten a gift from the gods. My friends, the six from the Prophecy of the Seven. Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth and I were each giving a gift from the Gods

"Heroes, we offer you all godhood for your valor during the Giant war, if you accept you will serve under your parents as minor gods. Do you understand." Zeus the almighty drama queen stated.

Everyone but me agreed, I had a different wish, one that was sure to blow away, one by one all my friends stepped forward receiving their domains.

"All hail, Jason grace, god of venti, flying, storms and nobility."

"All hail, Piper McLean, Goddess of friendship and beauty."

"All hail, Annabeth Chase, Goddess of architecture and daggers."

"All hail, Hazel levesque, Goddess of precious metals and Cavalry based combat."

"All hail, Frank Zhang, god of Selflessness and Transformation."

"Percy Jackson, we offer you not only Godhood but a seat on the Olympian council. We talked amongst one another and the decision was unanimous, do you accept this gift Percy ?" Zeus asked , my dad looked at me with such pride, his son becoming a god and an Olympian at that .

"Sorry lord Zeus, but I must decline I have a different request. It's pretty easy and reasonable at that." I looked at Zeus with his lopsided grin. "What is your request, hero?" Zeus asked .

"I would like you too add Hades and Hestia to the Olympian council, if anyone deserves to be on the council, it's both of them. Hades and Hestia have been highly under appreciated over the years, and I think it's time that gets put to an end." I said in a demanding tone towards the drama queen himself.

The whole room went silent. Annabeth looked at me with such anger, and the others stared in disbelief, shocked to see that I through away Godhood a second time. I had a very bad feeling I was going to be scolded for my actions.

" Very well then, Hephaestus, could you make Hades's and Hestia's thrones and have them ready tomorrow ?" Demanded Zeus. " Yes father, it will be done." The god of forges said.

Hestia and Hades came up to me and thanked me for my kindness. "You don't have to thank me at all, it's not a big deal. Plus, you two deserve it more than anyone and way more than me."
I smiled at them, just as Hestia crushed me into a hug.

With that they flashed us back to camp half blood, Annabeth pulled me to the side and started yelling at me. " What was that? We could've been together forever! And you threw that away, do you even care about me or what? Now I'm gonna lose you, I'm so pissed at you. It's not even funny, I can't look at you
With that she stormed off towards her Cabin. I thought that would've been way worse, she'll calm down though.'
I thought, now my life will be easy for once.

Time skip
4 months later

My god life has gotten horrible , my friends hate me and they've turned into egotistical douchebags with a lust for power , a new camper a son of Zeus named Donavan Cloud showed up and turned everyone I loved against me he showed up one day being attacked by some hellhounds which I killed and he took credit for and everyone believed him I didn't care about the glory but I hate it when people lie after he was claimed by Zeus he told me to bow down to him and I laughed at him dead in the face , Annabeth had been distant with me since the award ceremony on Olympus ,  all this I could excuse but I found Annabeth kissing Donavan in the forest one day and that was he straw that broke the Camels back , so that night I decided I would leave and I didnt say anything to anyone I just took off like a thief in the night , and I headed for Olympus to request something outlandish .

Time skip

On Olympus

Percy's POV

I walked in on the usual shenanigans in the throne room , Zeus being unfaithful to Hera , Artemis getting annoyed by her brother Apollo , Hephaestus playing with some metal in his hands , Aphrodite and Ares making out ' ewww' I thought to myself , Hermes getting on Athenas nerves .

I watched for about another 12 minutes before I got annoyed and yelled " HEY!!!!" Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and thought ' who the hell do you think you are ?!' , Hera looked like she wanted to " YEET! " my ass off mount Olympus , Zeus was annoyed no surprise there .

It was silent for a good 5 minutes before my dad broke the silence with " what do you need my boy ?"

I started rambling about the past four months and how terrible my life has gotten  , before Zeus stopped me and said " Well you are too powerful to just go rouge and do your own thing without turning on us so here is what I'll do for you , I can either Cauterize you into oblivion or we offer you a seat on the council again , you'll be the 15th Olympian and you can choose the 16th Olympian it's needs to be a Goddess  though , we have too keep the number even so the votes are balanced out , also we need more women on the council because as you can tell this is quite the Sausage fest right now " Zeus said chuckling a bit .

I thought for a good five minutes " I'll accept your offer but I have a request ."  Zeus stared at me and said " What is it Percy ?"

" Lord Zeus I don't ever want another Man or boy ever to feel the way I do nor do I want them to feel like they have nowhere in this world to belong , plus people don't take boys or men seriously when they are abused or mistreated , I want too make a group like the Hunters of Artemis , but for men and boys , from the age of 7 to the age of 23 , since most guys have no place to go when they feel abandon or alone I want to give them that place ."

The God king looked at his council and I could tell they were debating and then the silence was broken "Very well Perseus , it's been decided , what shall be the name of this troop of yours ? "  he asked

" The Outsiders of Perseus " I stated with a proud smile on my face .


Well what did you guys think ? This is my first work so I would love feed back , do you think it's a hit or miss ? Review please  - Rook

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